Jan. 17th, 2009


Lilith is gone. And yet the filth of this city still remains.

Tick tock. I'm waiting.

Jan. 15th, 2009


filtered to anna;

Hello, Anna.

Jan. 11th, 2009


[Filtered to the angels/God/Elaine]

I need your help. Ben Braeden is missing. We need to get him back. please. you know I wouldn't ask unless it was important

Jan. 9th, 2009


filtered to heather;

Possessions. Hmmmmmm.

Jan. 5th, 2009


filtered to Uriel;

Can we talk about this Ruby thing or do you only do that in people's dreams? She doesn't think I'll protect them, I'll show her.

Jan. 3rd, 2009


[Filtered to Uriel]

Uriel, we need to talk.
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Filter to Uriel

Did you really think Sam was dumb enough to fall for your little action replay? You're getting desperate
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Jan. 2nd, 2009


[Filtered to Uriel]

[Filtered to Eve]
I have a job for you.

[Filtered to the Metatron]
They're trying my nerves, Metatron.

Dec. 29th, 2008


...alright, I'll admit, it's been a while since something like this has happened. But this shouldn't happen, I'm still holding my Grace, why would I be called here?

Someone want to explain? Bonus points for the most exciting version of the truth.


Oh, bloody hell.

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Filtered to: Uriel

These computers are horribly useful. Anyway.

Our strategies may call for... tweaking. How many have you visited in dreams?
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Dec. 21st, 2008


[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

Miss me yet sweetie?

[Filtered to Bela Tablot]

How goes the assignment?

[Filtered to Uriel]

You confuse me. You claim to be an angel, yet want to kill off half of the humans it seems. Care to fill me in on the deal here?

[Filtered to the bad guys]

Got a job for one of you, pay is damn good if any of you survive.

There's an annoyance in my life I'd like removed. Name of Faith Lehane. If one of you manages to kill the bitch, the rewards will be substantial.

Dec. 19th, 2008


See what happens when you defy God?

And She was being nice.

[Filtered against Ruby and her allies]
Do you want to know why you're being plagued? It's because of the demon. The filthy whore running around with one of our fallen. I can promise you all that the plagues are going to keep coming. God is very displeased with this demon and wishes to do nothing more than punish the wicked.

Find her. Bring her to us. The plagues will cease.

Dec. 15th, 2008


Do you really wish to hide from us, Winchester? I'm not out for your head yet. We just need to have ourselves a little chat.


I am not a mud monkey.

Dec. 14th, 2008


[ooc: Blame Briege. She is an enabler. And this.]

It's going to be awfully hard to find a virgin in Los Angeles. Not to mention one who actually wants to be pregnant. Not that it matters what they want

Save me the trouble and list yourselves here.

Dec. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Dean.

Hello, Dean Winchester.


Look at all the little mud monkeys.

January 2010




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