Feb. 19th, 2009


[Filtered to friends]





(added for Claire!)

Glitter Words
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]

Feb. 10th, 2009


filtered to baddies;

Someone's been messing with my Faith. That's not very nice.

Jan. 27th, 2009


[Filtered to the Mayor]

Hey boss. Want to meet up for a coffee. An adult coffee since we're both adults ice cream?

Jan. 23rd, 2009


filtered to alema;

He's ready.

Jan. 24th, 2009


Good God, what is wrong with people?

My cough has turned bloody, but at least my fever's mostly gone and I can keep something down, now. Water, mostly, of course, but still.. it's a start. Dave would probably tell me I'm an idiot.

I've hit a dead end in my research. The equation is resulting in imaginary numbers, strings of questions, and yes/no. Thankfully, I've found other pursuits to distract myself when I'm frustrated like this. Alternate timelines within a certain dimension are possible, aren't they? I'm beginning to believe so. People have left and come back and they remember things. That means their knowledge of events that occurred here were carried back to their own dimensions. Knowing that, how could that not change their perception of their world, the people they know, and their own existence? --But then, that's the point, isn't it?

There's a theory of time travel that I think is interesting. It goes something like this: a future that's already written is unchanging. After all, were you to travel back in time in order expressly to change the future, it's inevitable that you yourself may be changed; a paradox, and therefore an error in reality. What if the change you create is so great as to write yourself out of existence? Does the change even occur, then, without you there to create it? Thus, it's proposed that reality has a kind of self-defense it might use in such an instance. --Those that do said travel and write a change into their future, as well as said changed future, are split off into a branching timeline, whereas the original goes on unimpeded.

If that's so, how many dozens of versions of the same world might there be in some dimensions? Surely others in other places have discovered time travel at some point. Cameron, for instance, is living proof of that.

And how depressing is it, if this is true-- the people the traveler loves, the reason he or she risks time to begin with, aren't changed, after all. Rather, an identical, alternate copy of of those people and things is created. You may never again see your mother/father/wife/husband/brother/sister/child/etc, but instead another version of that person.

It's a bit chilling.

Mantis brought me some sort of cold-medication, so between that and my runaway thoughts, please ignore anything that doesn't make sense. It makes sense to me, which I suppose is really the important thing. And typos. Ignore any typos. I'm really rather too tired to go back and fix them.

Perhaps I'll fix them later.

.. Probably not, though.

Jan. 22nd, 2009


So when recounting the tale of this city and how messed up it is. Could tell a Slayer that people she thought didn't make it out of Giant Craterdale USA are here and very much not  dead and fangy.

Coulda been messy.

Sorry again Anya and hurrah for Slayer reflexes.

Jan. 15th, 2009


filtered to alema;

In case you didn't notice? This city is still intact. What happened?

Jan. 14th, 2009


HeY, lOs AnGeLes! LeTS PlaY A lIttlE gAMe. yoU kNOw hoW iT GOeS!

|  O
|  |

H I C K O R Y   D I C K O R Y   D O C K

T H E   M O U S E   R A N   U P   T H E   C L O C K

T H E   C L O C K   S T R U C K   O N E

A N D   I S I S   E X P L O D E D

Of course, the stick figure I'll be drawing is just a representation of Frank here. Frank will be our hanged man tonight. I tried to find Jason but, well gee, I already killed him, didn't I? Anyone seen my crowbar?

[edited after game]

So, how much can you believe what you read?


I think what bothers me the most about this place is that there are children here.

Jan. 10th, 2009


filtered to alema;

Things are in motion.


filtered to baddies;

Now who's up for a little fun?

Jan. 7th, 2009


Well, well! Who is this interesting new character in town? Blowing things up? It's a tiny bit too noisy for my tastes, but I'm rather interested to see how it all plays out.

Speaking of playing! Monopoly. Love it? Hate it? Haven't tried it?

Jan. 1st, 2009


There's an excellent sale on hand sanitizers at the market on Downey street. You all really should invest in some, especially after spending so much time on the computer! Germs spread all over the keyboards, you know!

[Filtered to baddies]
I'm wondering if any of you would be interested in earning a little money.

[Filtered to Faith]
I see you've been having some problems.

Dec. 28th, 2008


Things certainly have been interesting around here.

Dec. 27th, 2008


[Filtered to baddies]
Watch out for the children.

[Filtered to Faith]
Would you mind doing me a favor?

Dec. 25th, 2008


I never did like seeing a place look so dirty and worn through. And, gosh, you know, I always knew that Los Angeles was in need of a little tidying up, but I never knew how much work it REALLY did need!

So! On behalf of our city, I've talked to a few people and had them arrange a fund raiser! With the finances obtained, we'll be able to work at making our city a tidier place! Starting with those disgusting buildings downtown. Sheesh, talk about dirty!

If you're interested in helping out with the cause, swing by my office here [address] and pick up a few boxes of these wonderful candy bars that we're selling! Or, better yet, if you'd like to lend us a hand, pick up a few boxes and help us distribute them! It's for your city, people! Don't forget!

Dec. 23rd, 2008


You have got to be kidding me.

So "God" is here, and isn't that just a fucking joke. Because you know what I think? I think "God" lost the right to have any say over this world a long time ago.

Last night, on patrol, I ran into this kid. Couldn't have been more than 5 years old and she'd been turned into a vampire. Because some twisted fuck thought it would be funny. And where the hell was "God" when I rammed a stake through her heart?

What the fuck is the point in any of this? Why the fuck was I Chosen to be the Slayer for this supposed divine being who never cared enough to give a crap about me or this kid. Or any of the other kids that get munched on by the demons here. But hey, a good guy is trying to do what's right and this "God" sees fit to take some time out to make him feel bad about it?

I always thought that what my drunken whore of a mother used to tell me about the Bible and everything wasn't true, it couldn't be because surely "God" couldn't be as hate filled as that violent bitch. But hey, sorry Mom, looks like you were right all along.

Well fuck that. Fuck that.

That's it. I'm done.

Dec. 22nd, 2008


The plagues! Oh, this is exciting!

Dec. 15th, 2008


Ahhh, demon karaoke bars.

Reminds me of the seventies. Can you believe I had an afro?

Dec. 12th, 2008


Filtered to baddies.

I've heard talk of a few of the more interesting characters roaming the city.

I'd like to meet a few of you.

Dec. 13th, 2008


I hate this stupid city.

And I hate waiting.

January 2010




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