Nov. 17th, 2008


I don't miss the old man one bit, but his training has come in handy for me. Didn't think I'd have to be dealing with anything here, but I got encountered by a couple of young vampires. Staked them, but god damn were they ever fucking annoying! Think their downfall was that they kept bragging about how great, and powerful, and immortal they were.

Would anybody recommend me a good bar to go to?


I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry

And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby

[ooc: Lois has teh emos again. And yes that's Britney Spears lyrics. SHUT UP. The song seemed appropriate. :p]

Nov. 15th, 2008


The computers here are so slow! How do you survive?!

Nov. 13th, 2008


Boys here are gross!

Nov. 9th, 2008


So, I noticed that there have been some new arrivals. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Damien Thorn. I am the CEO of Thorn Industries. And in my spare time, I donate food to the homeless shelters in the city.

If anyone needs a job, we're still hiring. There are plenty of positions available. Secretary, guard duty, assembly line, anything. Feel free to set up an appointment and I'll see if we can hire you on the spot. Ohh, and it pays well too.

Nov. 8th, 2008


I need a job, stat!

...And a permanent place to stay, also stat! I heard of a place called Isis from a few people. Any chance I might be able to get a room? After getting a job, of course!


So there's quite a few beaches here. I guess they wouldn't be so bad, but I absolutely hate water. I mean, I'll take showers, and drink water, but I hate being in it. Funny, because I don't mind boating. Weird, huh?


I hope the sleeping arrangements weren't bad. And, listen, I'm sorry if it wasn't all that much. This is all I can afford for now.


I told them I didn’t want to play Candyland with them. Look at the age range you morons! It’s 3-6. I’m not 3 and I’m not 6 so why the hell should I sit down and play this stupid, boring game with you? I told them that and they just ignored me and eventually tried to bribe me with chocolate and promises of fun and knowledge of some kind of a secret strategy.

Now look at me. I’m back in this dump and God only knows what will happen to my fish back home. He’ll probably marry it. I’ll go back and he’ll be married to Lola. There will be little mutant fish babies and they’ll be playing Candyland.

I hate this place. Raya's not here. I miss her and I don't care if it's only been three hours.

Nov. 5th, 2008


I need a place to stay! I just got kicked out of a hotel because I don't have any money to pay for my room. I do have money, though! ...Just not the kind they want, I guess? Heh.
Tags: ,

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Why the hell do I ALWAYS have to crave Starbucks in the middle of the night? Why can't it be during the day? I can't exactly go out at night. I've forbade myself from it, after what happened the last two times I tried it.

Damn vampires.


What is this place??

And I think I bumped my head on the way in... Kinda hurts! Owwie.

Feb. 29th, 2008


Can't sleep. Clowns'll eat me.



I found my cousin, or rather she found me. So that's all good!

Adam! Where are you? How are you? Please tell me that you're okay? All this stuff..and I worry!

Umm..lets see..oh! Anyone have any spare machina parts they don't mind me using? I want to add some upgrades to Mack so he's a bit better, though he's wonderful at the moment! He just needs a few upgrades and stuff! And then we'll really be ready for anything this place decides to throw at us.

YEAH! Man, I wish I still had the airship.

Feb. 17th, 2008


This..uhh..can't be good. I'm out of bombs..uh-oh.. boy..gotta go!

Feb. 10th, 2008


I am Uncle Bob. This eclipse is not natural. It was not scheduled to happen at this time.. the cosmic arrangement should not be like this. Therefore, it would be more probably that it is an unnatural cause.

Feb. 7th, 2008


Okay, that's it. I am not staying in the library any longer.

I'm going to go help someone.

Feb. 4th, 2008


Fryd eh dra hysa uv Yevon ec drec?! Hekrd..Huf E naymmo fecr Yunie fyc rana fedr dra aeons, un yd maycd Lulu. Yd maycd ed'c hud drihtanehk..

I dislike this. I very strongly dislike this...


Oui yna ymm nekrd? Bmayca cyo oui yna. E ys funneat...drec lyh'd pa kuut.


(English translation for the Albed stuff: What in the name of Yevon is this?! Night..Now I really wish Yunie was here with the aeons, or at least Lulu. At least it's not thundering.)

(End Part Translation:


You are all right? Please say you are. I am worried...this can't be good.



Tu oui caa dryd pek drehk eh dra settma uv tufh dufh?! Fryd ec ed, y keyhd veaht?! Ur ruf E fecr Oihea fana rana fedr dra yauhc! Pid drao'na kuha, tysh ed!

(OOC: English Translation: Do you see that big thing in the middle of down town?! What is it, a giant fiend?! Oh how I wish Yunie were here with the aeons! But they're gone, damn it!)

Jan. 30th, 2008


This braille stuff is really hard to learn. They all feel like dots to me! I feel really bad for all the blind people in this world.

And I didn't think it was possible for me to meet someone who amused me as much as Aang. But I did. Awkward teenage boys are just so much fun aren't they?


Oh wow! There are sooooooo many machina here!

And they all go vroooom! It's so great!

But owwie, some mean guys tried to bite me. It kind of hurt. One of them did bite me but I got him loose and used a bomb core and he went explodey! Into dust no less!

And oh poopie! I'm here by myself! No Baralai, Gippal, Nooj, Paine, or Yunie! Heck, I'd even settle for Auron or Tidus or someone!

This is dissasterrific!

January 2010




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