Oct. 2nd, 2008


Kinda funny how the sense of smell comes in handy. Knew something was wrong with the tap water the moment I turned it on, and became just a little overwhelmed by all of the nasty shit I was smelling.

Keep hearing this is the Apocalypse going on. Still seems fishy to me, I mean just call me a little insane, but shouldn't we be hearing more about it on the national news? Unless God's just decided to wipe out LA first.

And on another note; any of you folks familiar with the Grandfather and the Grandmother clause?

Sep. 27th, 2008


How's it going folks? Tell me some good news!

Sep. 20th, 2008


I miss my mom's cooking. The woman was probably one of the best cooks and bakers out there. She used to make this cherry cobbler with a lot of pits still inside, and she also baked this cake that she'd put a spoonful of pebbles inside.

Sep. 17th, 2008


Hello, everyone!

Sep. 13th, 2008


I seem to have gotten lost, very lost by the look of it. This place really doesn't seem the least bit like Magnolia and I have no idea how I got here. I really should start paying more attention to where I go... Now if anyone could be so kind as to show me how to get back there it would be most appriciated.

By the way, where am I?

Sep. 4th, 2008


This place? So I go to the airport and try to get a flight out of here, and you know what happens? They say there's no flights out of LA. Now this crazy shit, cuz I saw someone boarding a flight.

I hop on a bus, pay fare to get to the next town over, and it just takes me to the edge of this place.

Guess I'm really stuck here, huh?

Aug. 29th, 2008


Found myself a number of rare coins inside the walls of this old abandoned house. Place has been empty for years. I still can't understand why people would just leave their positions in a wall, and then die. Guess there's something up with that.

Out of the ten coins I found I gave one to this family. They were well dressed, and well kept, but I could tell they were having some economic issues. The last thing they ate as a family were those cheap hotdogs made of chicken by product, and stale one dollar chips. One of them was just recovering from a cold. The father's drawing unemployment, and the mom takes care of the kids.

Right, and I still have nine more coins left.

[ooc: And Rant will give a coin to the first eight people who reply. The value of these coins is between $4,000 - $5,000]

Aug. 28th, 2008


I hate saying this, but...

This place is pretty gaddamn fucked up.

Aug. 24th, 2008


I went fishin' the other day. Caught myself a fox bite, a rattle snake bite, and a few rodent bites.

I have to say this place is pretty damn big. It's like a huge something-hundred square mile prison. I mean, I haven't been able to find a way out, but then again it's like this damn place never ends.

I went to this burger joint, but noticed their beef was a week past it's expiration date. I wonder if I should ate some of it. Just to see what E-Coli feels like.

Aug. 17th, 2008


It's quite interesting all the things you can learn just by walking around. Sold one of my coins to a dealer, and now I've got my own place. Went looking for a car, but you know the new ones are too expensive, and the used ones just have too much history to them. The last car I looked at, the previous owners did something nasty in it. They don't eat healthy either, and their cholesterol levels were much too high for their own good.

But, I'm sure that ain't important to most of you. I'm just making conversation.

Aug. 15th, 2008


Can't say I'm too happy bein' here in Los Angeles. Never heard anything about Los Angeles bein' all full of them fairy tale imaginary friends. Now, I'm not saying anything, but most of you people here don't smell human at all.

I reckon I'm going to have to find a way out of this place. See, I've got something important to do. But, while I'm searching, I reckon I gotta take care of myself. Find myself a coin dealer, and a place to stay.

Then maybe I'll go fishing. You folks like fishing?

January 2010




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