Feb. 17th, 2009


[Filtered to Jaenelle]

You're in danger.

I had a premonition, and you were dying. You got shot in the throat.

There was so much blood....

I don't where or when this is going to happen, but please keep an eye out for a man with a scarred face.

Also, does a red gem have any significance to you at all?

Feb. 15th, 2009


How much do I resent the fact that this city deemed it fit to put my house down by the beach? There is something so ridiculous about Shadowcrest sitting on sand and sun, of course maybe that's just because the sun doesn't exist in Gotham. I miss the clouds, doom, and gloom.

What else do I miss? Las Vegas and having a paid night job.

[Filter: Girls involved in stopping the man eating building]
That was fun. We should do it again some time, when it's not so life and death.

Feb. 10th, 2009


Filtered against Baddies/Kids

Not to cause more alarms to sound. But a building just tried to kill me. Or eat me, I'm not really sure which. In the end, it's all the same.

Either way, everyone should turn on their television. Because this is a new level of "Holy Shit." in my books. There's a whole lot of powerful magic radiating off that thing.

And anyone with magic, we should probably have a quick group meeting about this.

Feb. 1st, 2009


I never thought I'd say this but.... I miss San Francisco.

Jan. 24th, 2009


It hasn't taken very long to figure out why I'm here. One walk down the street demonstrated all I need to understand. It's going to be different this time. I'll do as he asks, but only to keep him away. This city can be cleansed, but perhaps blood won't be necessary at first.

Jan. 23rd, 2009


Paige? Piper? Leo? Cole?

Tomorrow is my wedding day and I somehow end up in Los Angeles, FOUR years into the future? I hate time-traveling.

Paige, if you're somehow responsible for this.... so help me, I'll

At least I have the Book

Anyone care to fill me in?

January 2010




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