Nov. 20th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

...has anyone else noticed the drop in population around the Weir?

Lily, James, Sirius. Even Professor Snape. I think they're gone.

Nov. 8th, 2008


I don't think I'm ever going to get over these images...The internet is a scary place

People think I should have a relationship with Snape...Lucius Malfoy...Lupin...Harry's Dad...Voldemort!!

I feel sick.

And there seems to be almost an online war between people who want Harry and I together, and those who want Ron and I together.

Nov. 5th, 2008


Filtered to the Weir

I've been asked if another wizard can move here. I understand she is not from our time, or our world, but she has similar powers. I imagine it would be a bit like having a first year raised by Muggles and I know all about that. We've opened this place to Amelia Solo, and others have come to visit, but are we okay with another wizard living with us? She's a young teenager, and she would likely need a bit of guidance.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Filtered against baddies

I would suggest, anyone who's magical, should attempt to learn to cast a Patronus, or something of the equivalent from your world. You may need it.

Albus and I were attacked while we were out at a street fair. Dementors are here, in LA, Pansy's right. They must have followed Voldemort through. If you don't know how to cast a Patronus, I'm going to make sure you learn.

[Lavender, Peter Petrelli can read]
You're taking care of the Hyperion, yeah? Helping anyone who can do magic?

Oct. 2nd, 2008


Filtered to good magic lot

Is everyone alright? I know a few things, I have a few spells ready in case anyone needs help.

Sep. 18th, 2008


hello, i'm not sure if i'm using this thing correctly but i'm horribly lost and i was wondering if anyone could help me out and maybe tell me where i am. i'd be ever so grateful.

January 2010




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