Apr. 24th, 2008


It's so constant. So very, very constant. Always there now.

He says I'll get used to it. It won't be so bad.

He's right. Of course he's right.

But for now it's just there. Always there.

Drumming and drumming and drumming.

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Filtered to Torchwood Staff + Anyone With Anything Against Harold Saxon

Harold Saxon has Ianto held captive.

Ianto sent me an address that he was going to, but it's hard to say whether they're still there.

We're going to have to construct some sort of plan of attack. That means NOT just charging in there blindly, Jack. And we're going to need as many people as possible since I'm not sure exactly what breed of insanity we're dealing with. Everyone meet at [address of Tosh & Owen's hotel].

Tosh, see if his mobile is on and if you can triangulate a position for him to see if the information he sent the first time through is still good. (The message is on my mobile, left hand jacket pocket.)

Suzie, you're our weapons expert. Wind up anything and everything you can find.

Gwen. I know you just got here, and this is probably the last thing you need to deal with right now, but I need to you do what you do best. Canvas the neighborhoods near the address that Ianto sent to see if anyone has seen either him or Saxon.

And Jack, wherever you are, you'd better get your arse down here because I don't want you pulling some sort of fancy boy heroics.

Anyone else that can see this, if you're willing to act as a partner to any of our agents, you can find us at the address above.

Apr. 19th, 2008


Well hello LA. It's taken me a long time to get here but I finally made it. I'm looking for someone. He's not to tall speaks with what to most of you would call a 'british accent' and he looks like he's just turned up your door to tell you about Jesus. Only he's much more dangerous and completely insane. He answers to Harry and the Master. Oh dear it sounds like I'm looking for a lost puppy doesn't it? Not much difference sometimes. If you see him let me know.

Harry if you're out there I miss you darling, please come meet me. Oh, and I'm sorry for shooting you. I promise it'll never happen again.

January 2010




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