Dec. 2nd, 2009


Wow.. noticed something at Walmart. Walmart is the antichrist.. oh wait, no it isn't But they have a new game system. Playstation 3! Seems it's been available since November 17th. Heard it was number one bestseller in just 24 hours after the release. Going to find out why very soon. Just didn't notice it there during all this hectic stuff taking place recently, since I only went to home and work. Very expensive, though. Like four to five hundred dollars, give or take. There's been violence over it. You know how crime-ridden this city can be. Robberies, thefts, beatings. Probably even deaths. Used to be that people killed over their deities, beliefs, revenge, or a piece of land. Now it's over games. Sucky. Damn, how far man has fallen

I'm planning to go get it from Wallyworld tonight. No way I could have afforded it as a low-paid scrub/orderly for Dr. Petersen. But as a CEO of my own company? Ohhh, Hell yes, I am SO going to get that! I hear it looks really great on a big HD-screen TV set. Maybe I'll get it after having some drinks at a bar. Or before. Whatever comes first. Who knows, maybe I'll even invite some of my friends over to play with it too. I think they'd like that.


Who here thinks that carrying guns to a bank, outside or not, is stupid with a side of crazy?

Please, raise your hand.

Dec. 1st, 2009


Have you ever watched the sunrise from the top of a fifty story sky scraper? I did this morning and it's the most amazing thing. The promise of a new day. A fresh start in a new city. My name's Zan. I'm sixteen and my sister and I run the most popular Blur fansites on the web, maybe you've heard of us on facebook or twitter. If not you should add us right away. You won't regret it. Come on, it's dedicated to the Blur. [site addresses ]. We're almost at a thousand fans. Help us out? My sister and I actually met him in Metropolis! Sometimes it still feels like a dream. He talked to us.

So this is L.A. What's it like?
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January 2010




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