Jan. 14th, 2010


Has anyone seen Morgana? Please...Please don't say it's happened to her too.

Jan. 12th, 2010


How safe is it to take a walk at night here? I feel like walking but it is rather late.

Jan. 11th, 2010


Everytime I think I can't possibly miss home more than I already do I'm proven wrong.

Jan. 5th, 2010


I'm still not use to this place and it's been a fair few weeks. Makes me wonder if I ever will.

Dec. 27th, 2009


I miss home...how is that even possible when the people I consider my home are all here?

i need more things to occupy me.

Dec. 23rd, 2009


I will never get use to this place. I think I've gotten lost four of five times. And there are certain parts I am certainly not going anywhere near in the evening.

Dec. 19th, 2009


I didn't even need him to say that, I already knew.

Well I didn't expect him to show up...

Dec. 18th, 2009


First my father now...

Filtered to Arthur/Merlin/Morgana

Are you three okay? Anything...strange happening?


So...this is happening to a lot of people then?

Dec. 15th, 2009


Filtered to Arthur

Are...are you okay?

Dec. 13th, 2009


Filtered to Sarah Petrelli

I hope I am doing this...message just to one person thing right.

I do not wish to bother you, but I was told by Ruby that I should speak with you about helping with the day to day running of a place called the Hyperion?


This has officially been the most surreal few days of my life. Not saying everything is perfect, but its the first time in months I've felt...vaugely like myself.

I just wish he'd...

Feels kinda strange.

Anyway, how're the new people settling in, I know its a change, I know how much of a change it must seem. But you'll adapt/



I'm teaching Morgana LeFay about her magic. Thats okay right?

She's not yet what history calls her, and she doesn't have to be. Its gonna be okay and I'm not hiding anything. Not anything


How are you?


So historically Morgana LeFay, I know how it looks but...
Its not like...
You're not....
...forget it


[Filtered against evil lawyers]

Hey.. so, this is how we introduce each other. I might be starting to get the hang of it now. Not really, but I'm trying So hello, people. My name is Merlin. I'm just a servant boy born in the village Ealdor, serving Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. And now here I am in this extremely bizarre city. It takes a lot of getting used to, I guess.

[Filtered to Angel Investigations+allies]
I heard that you have people that practice sorcery there? Good thing that Uther isn't here or heads would roll. Literally. But anyway.. I'm also a wizard. I'm curious to what type of magic is here. Like, the nature of it, how it's done. And is it really true that practicing magic isn't a capital offense? Everyone says that it's okay. But I just want to make sure. This is also the first time I heard that those who practice law are evil. I know some are always corrupt... but never thought it would be so many.


I need to find work. Though it is difficult when they ask about 'previous employment' and they laugh at your response.

Dec. 5th, 2009


Now that I am a little settled, I would not mind seeing more of this new place. I might as well make the most of this, I suppose.


Cathy? I was told you were the one to ask about the welcome centre.

Dec. 4th, 2009


whose ever fault this is fix it


I do not suppose anyone knows of some where I may be able to stay? I do not have any money but I will work for my keep. I'll need a job as well.

Dec. 1st, 2009


whatonearthisthisthing oh thank you person next to me I...

This isn't Camelot. And what is this...thing? Luckily someone is sitting helping me, I was directed here. Can someone please explain?
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January 2010




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