Mar. 15th, 2008


I don’t feel very good… I haven’t even done much damage, not as much as I did back in Napa. Not even close. It’s the boy, he’s making me feel… bad about everything. He won’t shut up. Human keeps whining and kicking at my insides like he wants out. I think I want to get rid of him for good but… I can’t.

There's nobody here who can help, and the boy, he wants help. I don't. I just want him to stop and go back. Gods aren't supposed to feel so human. It's an abomination.

Feb. 26th, 2008


I think there’s too much blood in the fountains and too many dead bodies rotting on the benches. I should get rid of those… I think I will soon.

Some of my women got dragged away by men with guns yesterday. They tore a man apart in the streets. I could have stopped them from being taken, but they can be replaced. I’ll get more. In the meantime, I need to go to sleep. That’s so hard to do when the light is gone.

Is somebody going to bring it back?

Feb. 17th, 2008


Well, this is certainly interesting. L.A. without any sunlight. I can practically taste the mayhem already. I doubt I've seen a city this caught in the throes of terror since the Boxer Rebellion. The very air is simply intoxicating with the scent of the frightened and the weak. I can't wait for the fun to begin!

Feb. 9th, 2008


No sun, no warmth, no safety. I like the dark. It’s refreshing.

They are so frightened of it though… They run around in circles and panic. It’s so easy to pick them off that way.

She was very pretty but now her entrails are all over the road. I wonder if anybody cleaned her up? I didn’t have time to do it. I don’t pick up the pieces, I only break them.

I have wine. I’m going to get more soon. I have the cats too. Tigers and lions and leopards… I bet the zoo wants them back. They’re not getting them.

January 2010




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