Oct. 26th, 2008


I'm awake. And for the record, I hate hospitals.

Did I miss anything?

Oct. 24th, 2008


Filtered to Rangers

This the part where I say I'm very very sorry and will never do it again.

I would, I really really would but my way is a lot more fun.

How's it feel B Squad to loose what you care about through no fault of your own. Angry, bitter...do you feel like you just might wanna lash out.

It was too easy to get to you, way too easy, and little Miss Dino Bitch and her self involved whining just made it even easier.

Come find me lover. If you can.

Oct. 22nd, 2008


Rangers Filter

[ooc: Post-patrolling. Pissed!Mack is pissed.]

Charlie Marquez, as of this moment you are no longer part of this team. Your second chance? You've had it, and you blew it. Now we all know just how much you really care about this city and the people living in it. It doesn't matter what they think of us. We help the helpless, we fight for those who can't fight for themselves, not to be praised but because it's the right thing to do. That's who the Power Rangers are, but it's obviously not who you are.

If I thought you'd do it, I'd tell you to turn in your morpher. Since I know you won't, just remember you're outnumbered. Now stay away from my team.

[ooc: In case you're wondering, Yami, yes, I used "we help the helpless" on purpose.]


Rangers (posted after Patrols)

Guys, Kat's gone.

Oct. 21st, 2008


filtered to rangers

Nobody goes out alone. Check in with me on the hour. Things are getting ugly out there. A few disturbances already reported on the monitors. Stick to your patrol groups. I'll be analyzing your units -but no pressure it isn't really a test. It's just to see where your skills are, everyone is at a different level. Has different strengths.

EDIT: Casey will be staying in to help me until he finds the balance with his tiger spirit.

[Peter Petrelli and Lana]
We're here if you need us. So don't exhaust yourself with extra patrols. My rangers will be out until the fog clears-one group at a time. Isis will always have one group of at least three just to be safe.

I've hacked your security. If something moves, I'll know. Then the rangers will move out, reassure everyone you'll be fine because nothing will get in without me knowing. If you need me directly ask Z, the delta morphers are the most direct way to contact me.

Oct. 12th, 2008


[ooc: Backdated to earlier today, because IJ was being mean. Strike outs are strike outs, not deleted text. That means your characters can read it.]

Rangers, we're cutting patrol an hour short tonight in favor of celebrating Casey's return. You can go back out there after if you want, as long as you don't go alone, but I won't be with you. Any suggestions on where to celebrate? Kira, don't say The Roadhouse, you can go there later. Casey's choice, which is pizza.

Faith, you owe me a hug.

Oct. 9th, 2008


OK, maybe I should have noticed this before, but I don't spend much time on computers or watching the television.

...fictional? Wikipedia, I do not like you.

Oct. 6th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

We lost a Ranger. Casey Rhodes, Jungle Fury Red Ranger, is dead. No matter how many times any of us ever told him to take it easy after he got sick, he still went out there and tried his best to make this city a safer place. If even half of us can have the heart and passion he had, we can end this.

Tonight the Rangers will patrol as one unit, and anyone else is welcome to join us. We're meeting at [Kat's Address].

[Kira Ford and Charlie Marquez]
Kira, Charlie, I'm sure I don't have to say anything to you two, but just so we're clear: if I have any problems with either of you I will kick you off the team, no questions asked.


I can't..believe this. Rangers aren't supposed to die. This is really happening isn't it? The apocalypse. I just..I don't know. What can I do? My powers are acting up. I can't ..solid walls, it's so strange. Theirs got to be a way to stop it. Isn't there?

Oct. 1st, 2008


Apocalypse? Slayers? What is it with people running around and wanting to kill other people? What's wrong with you?

Better yet, someone want to explain to me how I got here, and what's going on? And why I have my Morpher back? This seems to be the place to find answers. Everyone on the street is just losing it. Did someone call for a Pink Ranger?

Sep. 30th, 2008


filtered to all rangers

You may or may not know me. My name is Kathrine Manx "Kat" for short. I work beside Commander Doggie Cruger for Space Patrol Delta. SPD in the year 2025. However I have set up a small base in this world thanks to a friends connections. Please come see me. I don't care what team you are on, drop your morphers at my office [address] and they will each be upgraded with a brand new arsenal. As well as arsenal I will be connecting communication devices and tapping you into the morphing grid that will make morphs easier and less forced. Which admittedly I have hacked my way into. I would not otherwise attempt as it isn't right but considering the upcoming apocalypse (yes I know of it as well) I think the rangers of this time would also agree it's necessary.

Sep. 29th, 2008


Filtered to all Power Rangers

[ooc: This filter includes Charlie Marquez, cause Mack is nice like that.]

Rangers, check in. I want to be sure all of you are safe and sound. I'm sure all of you have already found out about the water. The Apocalypse is here and we need to get organized. It's not going to be easy, given the number of team leaders here, but it has to be done. We'll patrol together, either in one big group or split in two, depending on how many are sick. I want you all to nominate two people as leaders, based on trust and your confidence in their abilities, not color. No nominating yourself.

Here is a list of all known Rangers in LA. The sick are in italics.
Kira - (3)
Mack (myself) - (6)
RJ - (2)
Tori - (3)

I'm nominating Kira and Tori. I've worked with them before and would trust them with my life.

[ooc: Mack at his truest: taking initiative and being a leader, even if he doesn't realize it.]

Sep. 24th, 2008


You would think that if I could program a zord, create delta base crawler, and process several contained criminals in one week that I could make a decent cup of coffee..sadly all my attempts are lacking. The machine is really out to get me..it keeps making scary noises I don't think are normal, even for a coffee machine from ancient technology. This is getting a little frustrating, but I suppose it is nearly time for me to get out of the lab anyways. Is anyone up for some caffeine and company? Z? Kira?..anyone really, I just need someone to talk too other than computers and machines before I lose my mind.

Sep. 22nd, 2008


Vampires? Werewolves? Whoa.

And I thought Ocean Bluff was off balance.

Sep. 21st, 2008


Getting caught in the heat of the moment is NOT a valid excuse to cheat on one's girlfriend.


Just stay the hell away from me. all of you.

Sep. 20th, 2008


For those of you who heard? Don't hurt anybody. I'm serious. Not either of them. Not your business, don't get involved.

[ooc: Same filter from before, minus Jack.]

Of course if you're reading this, please feel free to disregard, at least in the case of the other woman involved. If anyone asks, you just didn't listen to me.


{Filtered to Kira}

Would you even believe he kissed me in the heat of the moment? That we both know how ridiculously stupid we were? . Would you even care?.

So much for friendship huh? I tried with you Ford I really did.

{Filtered to Jack}

I went to meet your friend Faith...

Left with a black eye and another enemy.

I'm never ever gonna be okay to these people am I, All they see is selling out to the Troobians. They weren't there Jack...How do they...

I'm so sorry, you don't need this any of this. Maybe I should just...stay away.


[Filtered to Charlie]

You don't know me, but we need to talk. Now. Meet me at ADDRESS in an hour.

Sep. 18th, 2008


filtered from kira

Okay, so I'm trying to think of some place to take Kira before the concert. Suggestions? I'm...really kinda bad at this whole dating thing and that's saying something considering I've never even been on one to start with. I've had a girlfriend before but Ally was different. We just..we didn't really "go out" we stayed in and worked at the shelter, but I don't think putting your date to work is usually a good idea? I want it to be something she'll always remember, but at the same time being a ranger doesn't really pay much. So uh..help the clueless?

Sep. 15th, 2008


What's wrong with being a Power Ranger? We protect the planet from evil!

[ooc: This was brought on by Spike. The Overdrive team never seemed concerned about hiding their identities, so I'm assuming Mack wouldn't have a problem sharing. Oh, and yes, he is so totally punctureable.]


I don't understand mortals.

Why do you all get so embarrassed at the idea of an orgasm friend? Orgasms have been shown to be very beneficial to one's health and really, you're mortal, you should all be doing everything you can to sustain a long and healthy life, by your standards at least.

And what I really don't understand is the people who have the perfect potential orgasm friend available to them and insist on being coy about it. You lot only live about 80 years each, you don't have time to waste!

Everyone should have an orgasm friend.

I need a new one since Xander doesn't remember me. Which is a shame.

Sep. 8th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion and Allies

..Taking off for a while. Just need some space. I don't know if when I'll be back. But just don't try to convince me to stay here, I've made my decision. It was good while it lasted, but you don't need me here. once it's over it's over.. To anyone taking my martial arts classes I'm sorry, you were all making fast progress. Just..somethings come up. I guess this is just something I've gotta do.

[ooc: backdated to just after This ]


Oh no. That wasn't supposed to happen. I swear when I get my hands on that Piggy for his faulty equipment I'll vaporize him. ..The quantum enhancer he gave me must have been wonky from the start when I loaded it into the D.B.D.S and sabotaged the whole system..I guess that would explain his suddenly charitable mood. That could be the only reason it backfired and tore down the computer's security system mainframe that kept my time from merging with this..this??? ....Where am I? Now I'll probably have to relocate another enhancer which may be impossible. Does anyone have one or know where I can get my hands on one?

My name is Kathrine Manx. Chief Science Officer of Space Patrol Delta.

Sep. 5th, 2008


[Filtered to the women]

Ok, admittedly I don't actually know most of you and the couple that I do know probably don't think that highly of me but considering the only people I really know here are guys, and trying this with them worked so well the last time..... Yeah, I figured I'd give this a try.

So here goes...

Men. Just what the hell is their problem?! I just don't get it....


It's only a matter of time before I find you and free the hostages. Why don't you save me the trouble and just come out of hiding. Unless you're scared to fight someone who can actually stand up for themselves Sam. Sammy, demon thing, whatever you are. I'm getting pretty sick of these games. Of you involving innocent civilians. I'm thinking it's gonna stop now.

[Filtered to Charlie]
What the hell is going on? Seriously no games. Kira's telling me you've been trying to hurt us her?

[Filtered to Buffy]
Wanna go on a field trip?

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Filtered to Jack Landors

You can tell me I'm completely out of line here but you're not okay. You're B Squad and you're being...quiet

This actually has me worried. You've not been patrolling not really on the ball.

There a reason?

And come on, if its got me worried about you.

Sep. 1st, 2008


No more wishing. Everyone got that? No more wishing.

If you have a wish, keep it in your head where it belongs.

This place isn't insane enough, now we have to worry about accidentally screwing with people.


Azazel. Contact me as soon as you get this message.

There's something wrong here. The people are happy.

Aug. 31st, 2008


Was patrolling today and found myself turning to ask Jackson something...

I miss my team.

Aug. 30th, 2008


I wonder how Valtiel does?

Does not matter here. I was sent here. Valtiel remains there. All will be right in the world.

There are still many guilty people.

Aug. 28th, 2008


Been a hell of a few months but this place might just be good for me, I really hope so. I...sort of have a lot to make up for, maybe more than its possible to make up for but I'll try.

So how does this, fighting the good fight thing happen?

Oh and Landors, Patrolling again whenever your free.

Believe it or not it feels good to be helping people again. Thought I'd never get that chance.

For what its worth thanks Landors. Means a lot.


[ooc: Going to say this is after Sam and Jack find her. Details will not be mentioned until those are worked out.]

Note to self: never do that again. Long story, don't ask.

If anybody needs me, I won't be at the bar. I mean I'll probably be in a bar, but...yeah, had some kind of epiphany or something and decided to stay completely sober for a while. Don't know how long a while is, but I'll let you know. I'm going to make you proud of me, Dr. O. If I'm not in a bar, I'm probably at Jo's.

Aug. 27th, 2008


Filtered to Bad Guys

Anyone have any clue how to block the powers of an Aura Reader. I have a whole plan in motion that'll pretty much fall flat on its face if one particular little idiot gets near enough to read me,

I need to block his power somehow or protect myself.

Protecting myself would make more sense to be honest. Would be too convenient if he lost his freak ability right as I showed up.

Aug. 26th, 2008


Private to Jack


I'm ready now for whenever you wanna meet.

This place is still messed up though, Did you know it was 2005.

Aug. 24th, 2008


Has anyone figured out how to get home yet?... I've really been slacking in my research. But my head just hurts too much, everything is fuzzy. I don't know what's wrong with me, the colors don't match up anymore. My dreams don't make sense..but maybe that's just because I'm not awake to know that I'm dreaming to tell myself to wake up.

Aug. 20th, 2008


This place stinks like pollution, people, Mutts, and an overflow of supernatural. How, where, and why?

Aug. 21st, 2008



Okay this is every single kind of not where I thought I'd be right about now.

I just saw my squad get...

Its better than where I was lets just leave it at that.

Names Charlie Marquez. SPD Red Ranger to 'A' Squad. Now can someone please explain to me why I woke up on a street corner with a throbbing headache when I'm supposed to be executed within the hour

January 2010




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