Nov. 8th, 2008


I told them I didn’t want to play Candyland with them. Look at the age range you morons! It’s 3-6. I’m not 3 and I’m not 6 so why the hell should I sit down and play this stupid, boring game with you? I told them that and they just ignored me and eventually tried to bribe me with chocolate and promises of fun and knowledge of some kind of a secret strategy.

Now look at me. I’m back in this dump and God only knows what will happen to my fish back home. He’ll probably marry it. I’ll go back and he’ll be married to Lola. There will be little mutant fish babies and they’ll be playing Candyland.

I hate this place. Raya's not here. I miss her and I don't care if it's only been three hours.

Nov. 3rd, 2008


You people? Are so boring.


Well by now you've all seen my former colleague's little announcement.

In case any of you didn't understand the implications of that, it means that I am now in charge of Wolfram and Hart.

Any questions or comments, please direct them to my assistant.


In this town, we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song.

My favorite holiday; over so soon.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


This place sucks. As if labs, freak shows and pit hole that is Metropolis wasn't enough. Now i'm supposed to believe that my life was normal compared to this place. If Care Bears start coming out of the cracks in the wall, I'm going to hurt something.

January 2010




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