bright light city - network

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June 12th, 2010


So there's an open mic night on Sunday at The Cellar Lounge.

I was thinking of going and playing something, maybe. It's been awhile, and I'm out of practice, but I thought it could be fun.

Anyone interested in coming along and giving me more than liquid courage?



Okay, so I really need to go shopping for scarves or something to cover up my neck.... Who wants to come with me? I do also need to do some electronics shopping, is someone willing to help me figure out this Pod thingy I keep hearing about? It has something to do with music I almost asked someone at the coffee shop to explain it to me, but that's all I figured out so far.

I think I'm definitely getting adjusted to being here and I believe I am all caught up on what has happened in history, so maybe I won't look as stupid if someone brings something up that I wasn't around for. I'm enjoying all the coffee shops that were suggested to me, especially the guy in the rainbow wig, so thanks everyone!

[Filtered: Private]
I can't believe Damon is here, what the hell. And he's trying to get me to help him out with a spell to try and contact Stefan and Elena. I'm really not sure if it's going to work at all, these Zenner people don't seem to want us to be able to contact anyone. But I guess I'll try it and see what happens, hopefully he won't be too upset if it doesn't work. I still can't believe I let him feed on me, but it really wasn't that bad and I was feeling quite bad for all the hell he's going through. But I am doing my best to stay safe, so maybe he won't bother me as much.



Jo and Jess tried to make pancakes for Ben and me this morning and almost burnt the kitchen down, seriously there were flames and everything it was kind of awesome. It smells really gross now though and I'm hungry.

I just spent more money on shoes than is in my college fund back home. Not even close to making up for making me miss Nationals but cute shoes are cute shoes.

Hey Summer someone mentioned an open mic on Sunday, we should go do something.



Filtered Away from Narcissa and Scorpius

Last Saturday was my birthday. I'm seventeen now when technically I should be thirty if this is 2010. Not that it matters because my own mother didn't even wish me a happy birthday. She is usually the only one who does, besides Pansy, and it seems that with all the moving to the new house and Scorpius being a brown nosing twat she forgot. I can't believe my own mother forgot my bloody birthday!

On top of that, according to her spell, Scorpius is my son. I still don't entirely believe it, but she does.

Oh, c'mon England! That was utter shite!

Children could tend goal better than that!

gotham went away.

did they take it?

My name's Mick St. John. I got here a couple days ago although don't ask me why. Or how. Then again, from what I've read, that seems to be the case with everyone here.

I have fairly particular dietary needs. I'm without my usual contacts - actually I'm without any of my contacts - and I haven't been able to make any more that I can trust.

I've noticed that there are several people around here who are a little like me. I guess that's what comes of being a Private Investigator, huh? So I was wondering if anyone could put me in touch with somebody who could supply a little A pos. I don't take from humans unless they're willing freshies. Back in LA I get my supplies from a contact in a morgue. He's one of us so it's easier. But here...

Jesus, this is crazy. We're supposed to be secret.


No Beth. No Josef. No Guillermo. No Logan - damn I never thought I'd miss him and his Guitar Hero.

No Cleaner because - not needed. Man, that's not easy to work out. The Vamps here all behave? Not that I mind. Less for me to worry about. But we all seem just a little different from what I can figure.

I hate having to come out in the open like this. But I'm thirsty.

Why so many floors unavailable? Accommodation seems to start on the 13th floor - what's beneath? I'm guessing it's to do with Zenner since it's pretty much a no-brainer. But I can't get in and I can't see or hear anything from outside any of the windows.

I hate feeling like a pack of produce in a grocery store. This is not helped by my new tattoo.

The World Cup? Today? US playing England? I just might have to check in on that.