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Posts Tagged: 'dawn+summers'

Jun. 11th, 2010



Everybody come and play. Throw every last care away. Let's go to the mall! Today.

It really is pretty catchy.

May. 26th, 2010


filtered; Scooby Manor

Right, I know that the big bads are in town, and really not the time for silliness - but Noa and I may have written a dramatic interpretation of Faith's capture by the dastardly and villainous Harmony. We'll be performing said interpretation in the living room in twenty minutes.

I will be undertaking the role of Harmony, while Noa will be playing Faith. Narrated by Jaeger Henson.

Oh, and it's a musical.

May. 15th, 2010



filtered; Scooby Manor

Evie and I made brownies of the extra special variety. Who wants some?

May. 11th, 2010



I'm thinking about dying my hair.

May. 8th, 2010


I'm a college graduate. And the proud owner of a new house. And am showered in little blue boxes full of jewelry. And a six pack of beer. And I had the loudest group at graduation and I didn't even screw up my speech not once. I got a fancy dinner and a good buzz.

And I proposed to my boyfriend and he said yes. I wonder if I should divorce him before I marry him again.


May. 2nd, 2010



Any time now, Zenner. Annnnny time.



Anyone who's interested, a few of us are heading down to the Strand to see the late night show of Nightmare on Elm Street. Feel free to come along and get ready to either laugh or scream, depending on how awful the remake is.

Showcase 8 on South Boulevard in like a half hour, be there or be square, kids.

List of (updated) awesome attendees: Logan Echolls, John Connor, Cameron, Lilly Kane, Alex Rousseau, Dawn Summers, Jaeger Henson, Mac, Sarah Krieg, Noa Pasternak, Evie Saunders, Lyle Bennet, Maxxie Oliver, Catherine Weaver, and Josie McCoy.

"If they don't wake up screaming, they won't wake up at all!" - Preach it, Freddy!

Apr. 30th, 2010




Apr. 28th, 2010



I guess I probably deserve this.

Apr. 19th, 2010



Houston. We have a problem.



Um, okay, this isn't Salem Center or Queens, this is freakin' Las Vegas and I'm really, really not supposed to be here. Especially not on my own!

Apr. 14th, 2010



Sup, people? Vegas still suck? Cause California is awesome! Or at least that's what this beach and bottle of Jager tell me.

Apr. 13th, 2010


filtered away from anyone from the Island! That especially means Ben Linus! )

Apr. 7th, 2010



Two words: Sky Diving.

Who has the huevos rancheros to come with me?

Mar. 31st, 2010



Man, I just can't catch a break.

Buffy? Willow? What's going on?

ETA [filtered to Tara Maclay]
Tara? Giles said you were here and Anya is here so

Mar. 24th, 2010



filtered to Scooby Manor )

Mar. 18th, 2010



Two things:

One, Buffy? Can I install a basketball court?

Two, In the wake of the Nerf battle, I would like to propose a rematch. Super Soakers and Water Balloons. Who's in?

Oh, guess there's one more thing. )



I want to say I just had the WEIRDEST dream ever but I don't think that's what's going on.

And I don't care what I said, Buffy. I'm not dying my hair. My judgment was impaired.

Mar. 15th, 2010



I've got another week before I get this cast off and I'm about to go crazy.

I'm offering my technical skills for the low, low price of give-me-something-challenging-so-I-don't-auction-the-Lincoln-Monument-on-Ebay-for-fun. Limited time offer people. Take it or leave it.

Filtered to Jo )

Mar. 16th, 2010



I hate each and every one of you.