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Posts Tagged: 'hugo+%22hurley%22+reyes'

Jun. 12th, 2010


So there's an open mic night on Sunday at The Cellar Lounge.

I was thinking of going and playing something, maybe. It's been awhile, and I'm out of practice, but I thought it could be fun.

Anyone interested in coming along and giving me more than liquid courage?

Jun. 11th, 2010


I I can't I'm so sorry.

you know how you get those sudden memories of something, and they're seriously hilarious in retrospect?

yeah, so hey sawyer.

remember that time you made fun of me, and i kicked your ass?

Jun. 7th, 2010


Now this is more like it.

Jun. 2nd, 2010



It's not so bad here. I have some new friends and dad has a great car that I am going to get to drive. Yes, that's right, it's a convertible. I'm taking that to school. I still have a whole summer until that starts again.

Mom, are we getting together sometime soon.

Anyone up for a video game night - AGAIN!

Jun. 1st, 2010



So this isn't where I thought I'd be. And worst of all Penny and my boy Charlie don't seem to be here. Time for more blissful copious amounts of alcohol.

filtered to Jack, Hurley, Charlie )

May. 31st, 2010


I wanna join the Las Vegas Country Club. Does anyone want to join with me? Shannon, Hurley, Charlie?






May. 29th, 2010



Where am I? I am supposed to be going to school and what is this on my arm and it won't wash off. I swear I didn't get some weird tattoo and my parents are going to kill me. NO, this is not good. I am going to be late for - wait no, it's Saturday. But why am I in LAS VEGAS?

My parents really are going to kill me. Damn. I shouldn't say that. Are these cards good for airline tickets? I can just buy one and get back to Los Angeles, right? That sounds easy enough. I don't have time to be kidnapped right now.

Filtered to Jack Shephard and Juliet Burke
Mom, Dad. I have a problem. It's really, really big.



I...I think it worked! It bloody worked!

Though I don't remember it being Las Vegas the last time.

Jack, you there, brother?

man, i think i drank way too much the other night. but it was really nice to see everyone. like especially the people who were dead and who aren't now but aren't ghosts either. it's nice that everyone else can see them too. nice to know i'm not crazy.

oh and before i forget, for juliet and sawyer when they get back, congratulations man. wish i could be there.

May. 26th, 2010


Has anyone else noticed the vampires, or did Locke just hit me over the head too hard?

May. 25th, 2010


I'm really confused.

How am I in Vegas? I thought I was dead

Clearly this is not Los Angeles, and it's certainly not the last motel room I was in. I'm not clear on who this Zenner Corp is, but I'm sure they have a perfectly logical explanation for how I got here when the last thing I remember is Benjamin Linus choking the life out of me.

What the hell is going on? Last thing I remember is being hit over the head by Locke and then I wake up in some hotel room. I couldn't have imagined all that because I was in Sydney, not Las Vegas.

May. 24th, 2010


Musings and Ramblings of a Monster )

Survivors of 815,

You're off the hook.

Dr Ethan Rom

filtered to men and away from Sawyer )

May. 22nd, 2010



Um...Sawyer, if this is one of your pranks, this time it isn't funny. The shiny new computer says 2010, but last time I checked we were stuck in 1975 and you were lovin' those bellbottoms...

May. 21st, 2010



filtered to Hurley )