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Posts Tagged: 'vala+mal+doran'

May. 31st, 2010


I thought a few days spent meditating in the desert would help, but it appears not. It would seem that there are things the Force cannot and will not help with. These are my failings, however, and I shall work to get past them.

To that end, I have realised that I must have something to do to occupy myself during my time here. I am unused to having so much free time, and my Master would no doubt be amused to hear me saying that there is only so much meditating one can do. Therefore, I think I should get a job, although I have no idea what job I would be suitable for.

Also, I have seen mention of various different sporting activities on the network; the game of Cricket, which has nothing to do with the chirping creatures, and something called Quidditch, which sounds extremely fascinating. I would be very interested in seeing these sports, if that is possible, along with any others that people think I should know about. I would alse be most grateful if I could find a few sparring partners for both armed and unarmed combat.

May. 15th, 2010


It's safe to show my face again now, right?

I mean, nobody else is changing gender and everyone who DID change gender has now changed back, yes?

Because I think Zenner overlooked me for this one and I'm NOT complaining. After what they did to me last time I deserved a break.

Okay, then. Overdue date, I think. Mitchell?

Oh yes, and is everyone alright? Sam? Carolyn? Daniel?

May. 3rd, 2010


I'm really glad I haven't been affected by this experiment.

It would just be really exceedingly uncomfortable.

( Willow )
Am I the only one who is a little bit sad that Mr. Giles and Wesley changed back so quickly?

They were so sweet.

And I might have had a crush on them. But just a tiny one.

Apr. 27th, 2010


This is not funny. At all.

Apr. 20th, 2010




Are we all the gender we're suppose to be?

Apr. 15th, 2010


You do realize I don't actually have to go on that date?

Apr. 14th, 2010



I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but if anyone could let me know why I'm here and how I can get home, it would be appreciated.

( SG-1 )

There is something known as going too far.

Apr. 7th, 2010



Men suck.



So for you viewing and possible dating pleasure, I present more pictures of the dashingly handsome Colonel Cameron Mitchell.

For your veiwing pleasure!! )

Apr. 6th, 2010



Sam didn't think I'd do it. You owe me a drink Sam!

Him: Military flyboy who has no problem protecting those around him. Has a good sense of humor, good manners, is strong and can bake! What more do you want?

Check out the man who can do it all.... )

You: Open to having women always there (he works with a bunch of them two of them), willing to eat LOTS of macaroons, and must be into flying. Mile High Club anyone?



[Sam & Vala]

I need to go and buy some new clothes, shoes, etc etc. Do you two want to go with me and we can hit a nice place for dinner and drinks afterward?

Apr. 1st, 2010


( Vala and Carolyn )

So I found some wine. Cam's trying to get me out of my lab, so girls night in?

Mar. 20th, 2010


One word: lasertag.

Who's in?

ETA: Also teams. There's my team and... well we need others. Okay, we have Priya's team too. Make more people.

Team Ashley: Ashley, Kate, Henry, Shawn, Chiana, Samantha Carter, Vala, Jack O'Neill, Carolyn.

Team Priya: Priya, Echo, Tony, Carl, Topher.

Team Castle: Castle, Alexis, John Crichton.

Team Noa: Noa, Jaeger, Sarah, Michelle, Dawn.

Mar. 9th, 2010



It would seem I'm back to normal. Apologies to all who had to deal with me, I wasn't the most pleasant person in the world. understatement

Vala, I am so sorry! Truly.

Mar. 8th, 2010


...That was just unpleasant.

Mar. 3rd, 2010


I knew this day would come. It cannot work forever.

Mar. 1st, 2010


I really need to remember to check this more often.

No, I'm not dead. No, I wasn't kidnapped. No, I wasn't...well, I'm not sure what other explanations you and Cam came up with, Vala. It's just another instance of 'got caught up in researching and forgot about the outside world'. So no need to send a search party. I was in my apartment working.

So, what did I miss?

( Edit: ) I also wasn't the victim of any nefariousness from Hathor. Happy, Jack?

Feb. 27th, 2010


I don't want to alarm anyone but my daughter seems to be here.

[See, Samantha? I can be as classified as the next one.]

In other good news, I appear to be back to normal in every way, including a fantastic bust, no more pain and full bladder control.

Thank you, Zenner. It appears that, if one complains enough, things get done. However, we are STILL not even.

But yes. Adria would appear to be making friends with Colonel Mitchell. I don't think this should be encouraged, really. He'll only regret it when he grows up again.

Can someone please tell me how I got to be here, or perhaps someone can tell where here is exactly? I don't remember having a client, and yet here I am in a strange room and on some planet.