bright light city - network

June 2013



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June 11th, 2010


Filtered to Angelus

Why don't you be a man and taunt me in person.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Barney, I know this was you.

No this will not make me feel better.

No I do not want to know the difference between Vegas and New York City girls.

No this will not be legen - wait for it anything!

Why couldn't I be kidnapped to somewhere like New York City? Park Avenue alone would make up for it. Hello Prada.

This tattoo is gaudy and ridiculous. Overall, I'm really not impressed.

you know how you get those sudden memories of something, and they're seriously hilarious in retrospect?

yeah, so hey sawyer.

remember that time you made fun of me, and i kicked your ass?

filtered; Drusilla

Dru, honey, can you feel Angelus anywhere? He never came back from hunting last night, and I've got a bad feeling about those slayer brats.



filtered; Scoobies

Did it work? Do we know if it worked?



filtered; The Sanctuary

Magnus and Tesla are gone.



Benjamin Linus )

Dad and I found a place. It's even big enough for an office. So it looks like Vegas is getting Mars Investigations after all. The philandering spouses and other assorted low-lifes of Sin City should watch their backs.

I think Zenner sent Padmé home. Her room was empty when I stopped by this morning.



Everybody come and play. Throw every last care away. Let's go to the mall! Today.

It really is pretty catchy.



It's been three days now, and I still don't have any answers to how I got here. I suppose now all I can do it accept my present situtation and make the best of it. Diana will have to do without me for a while. I'm hoping some of my other team mates made it here as well, so if you guys are out there please let me know.

Normandy and Galactica folks.

I miss everyone. Let's do something.

Yeah, this? This is so not cool. If I were a more violent person, I'd be breaking things.

The apartment might be sweet, but this tattoo is bullshit.

Vegas is nice and all, but this really isn't how I thought I'd end up here.

I'm also really not a tattoo kind of guy.

I already hate Vuvuzelas.

I I can't I'm so sorry.

League +alies

Demon or no demon, Fangs goes all skitzo on us again. I'll kill him myself.


I'm taking you out on a date.

We're going to see the A-Team.



Filtered to Darla and Dru

I think you lost something.



You know, I was thinking about the giant squid last night. I painted a squid above my bureau which is very similar but it doesn't look quite as sagely as the real one. He's a very prolific poet. He wrote me this haiku once.

Swim up to the sun,
Bring me my breakfast, pupils!
Toast toast toast crisps toast.

He wrote me a sonnet once, as well. I wish I could remember it.

Text to kon

I was supposed to be coming home today but I feel pretty miserable. Unless you want to come get me I'll be staying at Bruces till tomorrow. Too tired to move.