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Posts Tagged: 'rachel+roth'

Jan. 4th, 2010



Whoever you are you'd better send me back! I know two witches and they'll make you sorry if you don't!



I miss her.

I'm going to go skate somewhere. Anyone want to come?

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Buffy, Johnny, Aaron, and anyone they invite )

Dec. 30th, 2009


Why is it the Gregorian calendar New Year's celebration the one everyone gets excited over?

Dec. 24th, 2009


Of course, shoulda known it was too good to be true... at least they didn't forget the damn chair...
Someone mind explaining what the hell just happened and why it's 2009?

Dec. 22nd, 2009



I woke up in Vegas, with a tattoo and no idea how either of those things came to pass, and I can't reach my boss.

I would worry that I'm beginning to emulate my employer's regular weekend activities, except that I'm not drunk, there isn't anyone else here, and apparently I've been kidnapped by Zenner Corporation.


Dec. 21st, 2009


Sorry... I need to rest. I will continue after I clear my mind.

Edit:Buffy )

Dec. 20th, 2009


( Rachel Roth/Buffy & Friends )

Now that wasn't very nice.

Dec. 19th, 2009


Those involved in the missing persons investigation )

Let's get one thing straight, Zenner bitches: you have pulled me from Lima aka Land of the Losers and you know, I can't fault you for that. I always knew I'd get out of the place. But just so we're all clear? I'm still the new queen bee. I earned it fair and square stepping over Quinn's bloated belly when she embarrassed herself, the squad, her parents, and anyone else who's seen Fifteen and Pregnant on Lifetime during a PMS-fueled marathon of outdated chick movies.

The black card will definitely come in handy, as will the fab digs. But I'm still number one everywhere that it counts. I'm still head Cheerio, I'm still the new shoe-in for Prom Queen, the hottest sexter, and yes, I'm still in Glee Club. That is, if there even is one in this place.



Am I sleepwalking again?

Dec. 18th, 2009



To all demon hunters/forces of good and light )

Dec. 17th, 2009


This had better be part of another ridiculous plan, sir. 我暂时有足够您的想法.

The responsible party for that event will die a gruesome death.



I hate music now. All music.

I'm never singing again not even in the shower!

I have to say that this wasn't what I expected. I expected a better reception at least.

Mal? If this is an attempt to bring me back it is good won't work.

Dec. 16th, 2009


Every night I call your name
Every night I burn
Every night I fall again
Every night I burn
Scream the animal scream
Every night I burn
Dream the crow black dream
Every night I burn
Scream the animal scream
Every night I burn
Dream the crow black dream

[ooc: The Cure - Burn]

Dec. 15th, 2009


...what the bloody hell is with all the bad poetry lately?

There's something strange going on tonight
There's something going on that's not quite right

[ooc: REM Strange]



So that pretty movie with the big blue cat people is coming out this weekend, and I thought it'd be fun to have an outing. Anyone want to go to the movies?

[Spike only]
Hey you feeling better yet? I want to go house hunting!