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Posts Tagged: 'malcolm+reynolds'

May. 3rd, 2010



I missed bein' a girl! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off reacquainting myself with my body parts.

May. 4th, 2010


(Filtered to Mal)
I found the property that I want to buy for my business I'm starting up. I'm going to be looking at furniture and color palattes with an interior designer in a little bit. I would really like it if you would come and see it sometime. How are things going with your ranch? We also need to spend some alone time together, don't you agree?

(Filtered to Kaylee, Zoe and River)
How would you like to join me in a day of complete pampering tomorrow?

(Jayne, Simon and Wash)

Are you three keeping yourselves busy? I might need your help moving some furniture around in a couple of days, if you're free.

Apr. 20th, 2010


Wo zai qianshi yiding redao shenme ren le ba...

Apr. 19th, 2010


(Filtered to Malcolm Reynolds)

So how long are you going to pout?

Apr. 15th, 2010


They plan on grounding every space traveler they can find? Can't take that many people out of the sky and not expect some sort of explosion eventually.

I've been on the ground too long. Ain't working for nothing, either. Not money, not food, not security. This place is stale. Didn't sign up for stale.

Inara, I don't need a date with no one who ain't a whore.

Apr. 14th, 2010


Women are impossible.

Apr. 9th, 2010


If there's anyone out there with experience with horses or on a ranch, give me a shout.

Serenity Crew )

Apr. 7th, 2010


Heaven has more Neon than I expected.

I like it.

Apr. 6th, 2010


Captain, if you're still desperate to move rooms, just sleep in the other bed in my room. I'll do my damndest not to keep you up all night with my compliments to myself.

Mar. 24th, 2010


[Richard & Alexis Castle, Malcom Reynolds, and Kate Beckett]

filtered )

Mar. 22nd, 2010


Las Vegas? I may have had one too many glasses of wine last night, but I hardly think it was enough booze to forget flying across the country. At least the lack of a ring on my finger seems to negate the option of a midnight wedding ceremony on the strip. Which, frankly, has almost happened a couple of times. I get a little Tequila in me, and all bets are off.

This note isn't serious, is it? Richard? Is this one of your pranks?

Mar. 19th, 2010


This is not okay!

Mar. 18th, 2010


Um. Seems that I was part of the latest experiment. I don't remember anything of it, but I apologize to all I interacted with. My younger self was quite... full of herself.

[Filtered to Mal]

Mal, I read what I wrote to you, and I am so sorry. You know I don't think you're a smelly pirate. Let me make it up to you.

Castle!! What have you managed to get me into do now?!

Mar. 17th, 2010


Any other micks here? It's Paddy's day, we need to be drinking. Alcohol, before anyone asks.

Actually, there probably aren't that many Irish here, so I guess anyone can come along.

Mar. 16th, 2010


You know what's the best thing about this place?

I can buy SO much fresh fruit! All kinds! And it's so cheap! Not that it matters with that there little card, but - I got so many strawberries and bananas and oranges and mangoes I don't know what to do with 'em all.

Mar. 11th, 2010


filtered to everyone but Inara Serra )

Mar. 10th, 2010


I demand to be taken back to my training house! Right this minute! Whoever took me is going to be in serious trouble!

Mar. 7th, 2010


to the Serenity Crew )