bright light city - network

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Posts Tagged: 'rose+tyler'

May. 26th, 2010


I think...there's definitely a draft in this house. Anyone have suggestions on fixing it?

May. 6th, 2010


Anyone actually know how long this is supposed to last?

Apr. 27th, 2010


This wasn't exactly how I pictured my birthday.

Apr. 25th, 2010


Well then. Been all through this city, got lost, ended up in the sewers and met this man. Nice bloke, really more of a talker, but beside the point! Anyways, been a bit of a hassle this last bit of a while. Blimey, still don't know anymore than when I started. You know how impressive that is? Well, me, I mean me not being able to find something out. That's like...

Well...rather more towards impossible, but besides that! Really just trying to get a hold of those people, cooperation; all this that's in charge. So figured, well, how does one get a hold of those in charge? And then I thought; well could always try and get yourself noticed. Big ol' backfiring of electricity or wavelengths or viruses to muck up the whole place. Zap! And it all goes down.

Which. Actually. The indentation--tattoo that's faded, nice touch by the way. What is that molecular bonding coded together by particles released against the blood stream? Tiny little nanobites I'd reckon, but that's just me, well, being me. Ever the clever one mind you. Brilliant really. Anyways! I suppose this'd be instead of all that washy threatening business me requesting nicely, see; nicely! That I have an audience with the higher ups in charge of this place. Would be brilliant. Really. Even if just for a nanosecond. Thanks, again, really, just would blimey make my life so much easier.

--The Doctor

Apr. 22nd, 2010


This is completely I don't ridiculous.

Apr. 20th, 2010



Oh...well...this is new.

Eleven bodies and I've never once been a girl.

Oh, this is brilliant! I love trying new things.

Apr. 13th, 2010


Right, so. How many of you have traveled with the Doctor before? Because I've got a load of questions and I don't think he's going to give me a straight answer.

Apr. 12th, 2010


(TARDIS Crew and...TARDISfriends!)

I was thinking...there's so many of us now twoDoctorsIdon'teven maybe it'd be best if we pool our efforts and resources? Could get a place outside of the hotel? Less elevators and floor juggling that way, yeah?

Found a nice looking place near the outskirts we could try?

It's bigger than it looks



Right then. This isn't London, and it's certainly not 1940...anything, actually.

And I seem to have misplaced my TARDIS. Hopefully I haven't misplaced

Amy? Amelia Pond?

Apr. 7th, 2010



Where's everyone staying?

Mar. 29th, 2010


(Team TARDIS/Children of Time)

D'you wanna go out for chips? All of us together?

Mar. 27th, 2010


Right then, let's get this started. I mean, who'd have thought it would have taken getting shocked by my toaster to start this off? I tell you, what was locked in that mans brain? He might be brilliant, but he was missing so much; just a little bit of human, now me. Oh I could teach him so much, all of you actually. Best temp in Chiswick? Me.

Anyway, started, getting this. Now.

Mar. 19th, 2010


Oi, spaceman. You better have an explanation for this.

Mar. 12th, 2010


Of all the places to be stuck, though...Las Vegas?

Mar. 9th, 2010


What's this now? This isn't where I'm s'posed to be.

Where is this place?