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Posts Tagged: 'luke+snyder'

May. 16th, 2010


Private to Self
I promised myself I'd stop thinking about that thing with Justin. Yeah, totally not working. I don't know. Maybe I just miss home and my mind wants to focus on anything else.

I keep wondering if Noah's had his surgery yet. If he can see again. If he'd notice I was gone even if he could.


I'm beginning to think it's time to find a fake ID. I end up in Vegas and I'm a year too young for the casinos, how lame is that?

Mar. 27th, 2010


Filtered to Justin

So seeing as I'm still here, I figure it's time to stop barricading myself in my room praying I'll wake up back in Oakdale.

If you had some time, I was wondering if maybe you could show me around?

Mar. 24th, 2010


So... just to be clear... you guys are all serious. People really get trapped here... from different times. And planets. And... universes?

Okay. I'm going to pretend for a second this isn't all completely insane and impossible. Is it true that no one has managed to get back to their homes? I really need to get home.

I have to get back to Noah, even if we're not

Mar. 23rd, 2010


I loathe this city. I think I may be going mad. I haven't left this hospital in three days. I smell, but I can't leave. Why won't he wake up so we can both leave already? He needs to wake up.

Yeah. Okay.

I'm sort of an expert at this point on the whole being kidnapped thing?

And I don't think you people quite get it.