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Posts Tagged: 'dorian+gray'

Oct. 15th, 2009



I hope I'm doing this right. Is anyone out there?

On the plus side, the accomodations have improved. On the minus, it doesn't look like we'll be tunneling our way out of this.

Oct. 12th, 2009



Jesus. I go to the gym for a few hours and all hell breaks loose. Again.

Right, I think I understand what stunt Zenner has pulled, although how they're doing this ... never mind. How is everyone doing?

Oct. 10th, 2009



Bored, bored bored

I am bored and do not feel like coming up with something to do.

Someone entertain me? Or point me at entertainment? Not a casino though - I don't see the appeal. And not alcohol. I ... am highly disinclined to go through the after effects without some sort of remedy.

Something like a zoo would be neat though. I suppose there's not one in our little jail world?

Oct. 7th, 2009


Well, what have we here? I must say it was awfully generous of that young woman to fellate be of service to me, and what a service it was, her mouth was lovely teaching me the great ways of this clever contraption. I'll return the favor with a lesson or two of my own in some very clever ways. Now I can converse with all you darling little people.

Which ones of you are really as fetching as your photographs? Be truthful now, who had the touch of an artist's brush to perfect their image? Vanity, vanity. It's glorious, truly We're all friends here, don't be afraid to tell--I won't bite. Until you ask me to.