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Posts Tagged: 'yvaine'

Jun. 7th, 2010


Hello. My name is Lincoln Six Echo. Is this Sector Five? Is Mac here?

May. 31st, 2010


I thought a few days spent meditating in the desert would help, but it appears not. It would seem that there are things the Force cannot and will not help with. These are my failings, however, and I shall work to get past them.

To that end, I have realised that I must have something to do to occupy myself during my time here. I am unused to having so much free time, and my Master would no doubt be amused to hear me saying that there is only so much meditating one can do. Therefore, I think I should get a job, although I have no idea what job I would be suitable for.

Also, I have seen mention of various different sporting activities on the network; the game of Cricket, which has nothing to do with the chirping creatures, and something called Quidditch, which sounds extremely fascinating. I would be very interested in seeing these sports, if that is possible, along with any others that people think I should know about. I would alse be most grateful if I could find a few sparring partners for both armed and unarmed combat.

May. 6th, 2010



Well, that was horrible and I'm glad it's over.

I'll be going into the desert tonight, if anybody would like to join me.

May. 1st, 2010



Trousers are AWFUL. How do any of you manage? They're so uncomfortable.

Being stuck on this planet instead of in the sky is bad enough, but being in a man's body is EVEN WORSE.

Apr. 28th, 2010



Oh, hell.

Apr. 21st, 2010


I had hoped that Zenner would leave me alone this time, but it would seem not. Wonderful.

Also, I appear to have lost at least six inches in height. I haven't been this short since I was about twelve, so I have no idea how this will affect my training.

Apr. 4th, 2010


I have considered watching these 'videos' that are based off of my world, but I am uncertain if it would be a good idea. What if I do not like what I see?

Mar. 29th, 2010


using thids with oner hand is hard

Mar. 18th, 2010


Would someone mind telling me what just happened? What happened to my tunics?

Mar. 14th, 2010


What I wouldn't give for a holocron right about now, or even an R2 unit.

I am beginning to suspect that I will return to my younger self in the next few days, and since I do not know how (or even if) my memories and skills will be affected, I have decided to leave myself a journal of sorts. I bought an external drive machine and what looked like a datapad and stylus, although I was told it is a graphics tablet. Nevertheless, the drive machine is now filled with notes and instructions on various different aspects of training that I know Master Qui-Gon hasn't covered with my younger self, as well as other skills I have worked long and hard to master. I would not have my efforts go to waste, and so my younger self will need to learn these things.

If my memories remain intact, then I have simply wasted my own time. If they don't... it will be a blessing Yvaine, could I ask that you make sure I see this post when I return to my previous self? Thank you.

[Private] )

Mar. 1st, 2010



The view at night is beautiful up here! Is it like this everywhere, when you're so high?

I could not get the Star Wars holovids out of the Video Store as I did not have three different forms of Identification, or a proof of address in the form of a Utility Bill. I went to a different store, a "Wall Mart", and was able to buy them in that store. I was asked eighteen times about a sigh-fy convention. This is a strange place.

I have watched the first three holovids. I destroyed the third one. I wish I could say that it lied, but everything, everything I saw where I was involved is how it happened, up until Cody ordered my men to fire upon me, and then I was here so I don't know.

My home is gone. My family are dead. My Padawan is partly responsible. We were played for fools from the very beginning.

I need to

I don't know what I need to do.

I don't know what to do.

Feb. 27th, 2010


I have drank in memory of them all, and suffered through the hangover by choice.

There are no bodies to prepare, and nobody here knows the rituals other than myself, but I have decided that I am going to go into the desert tonight and build a pyre for them, as a last farewell. It is the very least I can do for them. It is all I can do from here.

If anyone would like to accompany me, they are more than welcome. If not, I understand completely.

Feb. 23rd, 2010


what am I doing

I didn't think I would ever be here again.

It has been fourteen years, give or take, since I was here before. Master Qui-Gon dismissed it as a vision, and yet, here I am again. The circumstances are very strange, however. It does not feel like any other vision or premonition I've ever had. This feels real. Perhaps my mind has truly shattered.

It would be kinder than the truth, I think.

The first time I was here, I went to sleep in the room I was allocated, and woke up back on Coruscant. Now that I am back here, it's as if that night was the night before I arrived again. In short, it's as if the last fourteen years of my life were a dream. Except I woke up in a fountain instead of a bed.

A very dirty fountain. I think there was vomit in the water. I was in the shower for a very long time afterwards.

That is the least upsetting thing that happened yesterday.

If I could make a request, please tell me that there were pleasant things going on as well.

Feb. 16th, 2010


