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Posts Tagged: 'rebecca+black'

Dec. 3rd, 2009


Jake, Leah )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Rachel's gone and I feel like complete crap, this week is shaping up to be full of awesome.

Nov. 27th, 2009


My brother's sort of girlfriend makes excellent tofurky, she can stay.

I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.

Nov. 7th, 2009


Funny, no head bump, and yet here I am in Vegas with a barcode tattoo and a black card.

Okay, subconcious, I get it. I'm wasting my life in retail.

Can I wake up now?

Nov. 6th, 2009


I just blew twelve grand on a camera and lenses, I think I could get used to being rich.

Nov. 5th, 2009


I guess I'll do my own introduction? I'm Rachel Black. I'm the other twin, if you haven't noticed, and we're not fake twins. We were taken around the same time, I'm also from 2007. Jake is my younger brother I just graduated University and have plans to become a History and Music Teacher/Supreme Leader of the World.

I'm not 100% sure my roommate exists.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Okay so now that I kind of sort of maybe just a little have a handle on what's going on let's do this properly shall we? Hi, I'm Rebecca Black, yes there's a girl who looks exactly like me and yes unlike some of you all that have it we are actually twins. Jake is my baby brother and a huge thanks to everyone who's watched out for him, it means a lot. I'm twenty one, half divorced and last night it was 2007 and I was in Hawaii. I've never been to Vegas and I want someone brave to go on this with me.

Nov. 3rd, 2009


Uhhhh.... what?