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Posts Tagged: 'kate+freelander'

Jun. 17th, 2010


This is different.

I certainly didn't plan a trip to Vegas.

Jun. 11th, 2010



filtered; The Sanctuary

Magnus and Tesla are gone.

Jun. 6th, 2010



Second request for Quidditch players, this is an open request for anyone, muggles included, someone is charged with figuring out the brooms for muggles to ride. We don't have enough players for even one team, so we need more players.

And would those that expressed interest previously respond again, so as to keep an accurate list.

ETA: We just need three more players, for positions of Beater, or Chaser. Just three more for two whole teams...

List of those already committed )

Jun. 1st, 2010



The Sanctuary )

May. 28th, 2010



No videos of me dancing up on the internet? I call last night a win.

May. 19th, 2010



filtered; Sanctuary

That stupid video is at 500,000 views. I discovered this after someone recognized me when I went to get a bagel this afternoon. He yelled "Live Long and Boogie" at me.

So, like Henry said, we're married.

We're going to be having a party on the twenty first. It's nothing fancy, just a casual get-together.

Oh, and if you're bored, check out for a good laugh. You'll enjoy it.

[OOC: Site doesn't actually exist. It's the fictional site of video of Will partying, dressed as a Vulcan.]

May. 18th, 2010




Sorry everyone, but Lily and me got kind of impatient and just eloped last night to the Star Trek Experience. We have pictures. Will dressed up. It was awesome.

Anyway we're going to have a wedding party soon to make up for the fact you all had to miss it. I'll give you a head's up on the date and everyone is invited. It will involve food, good company, and probably video games, because we're just that cool.


May. 11th, 2010



To my kidnappers, I suggest you return me immediately or this will not end well for you. That is the only fair warning I will give.

May. 10th, 2010


(Henry, Shawn, Will, Lily, Druitt)
Hey, I'm out, do you guys want me to get something for dinner? Or something? I could get pizza.

(Henry, Will)
You guys doing alright?

May. 2nd, 2010


I'm back now.

Apr. 29th, 2010



Well, doesn't this just have the cabal written all over it...

This really doesn't bode well.



Apr. 26th, 2010


If this is some sort of elaborate hoax, it is most unusual that the Majesdanians would choose an Earth location for their tricks. If this is the case, I request that you cease with your useless theatrics; if I am slated for execution, simply execute me. Do not add insult to injury by branding me.

Apr. 18th, 2010


( Henry )

I totally set up Magnus and Obi-Wan Kenobi. All credit to me.

Apr. 17th, 2010


( Kate )

Am I to assume that this was your doing?

'Kay, maybe I should check the phone book or something, but I've got a feeling that most people here aren't in the phone book. So if I'm looking for someone, this is how I have to go about it.

I'm looking for a doctor who's qualified to deal with brittle bone disease. I'm off my regular meds (from the future!), and I figure I need to find someone and find a new regimen before my bones get weaker than they already are and snap like toothpicks. So just some maintenance. I've had some surgery, had some metal rods implanted to brace my shins, which tend to be the worst, and I can walk without crutches. So, look, not a hopeless case, but everyone's been telling me to go find a doctor, so -- is there a doctor in the house?

Apr. 15th, 2010


( Kate and Henry )

I've got a date. Also, shut up.

ETA: ( Shawn )

So, I hear you're the guy to ask for advice.

Apr. 8th, 2010


( Kate )

You best have missed me.

Apr. 4th, 2010



filtered to Ashley Magnus and Kate Freelander )

Apr. 2nd, 2010



Alright, it's been quiet since the last experiment, so I say we go have some fun. I want to see the Clash of the Titans remake tonight, midnight showing. Anyone else in for some good old Kraken fun?