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Posts Tagged: 'alice+cullen'

Feb. 8th, 2010


I'm ready to go home now.

Dec. 27th, 2009


I guess I must have been on the Nice List this year as far as Santa goes which is kind of weird because, let's face it: I'm pretty used to being on the naughty list as far as any list goes. But, Julian finally put a ring on it. Tiffany's, naturally. Even though I liked mine better when I wrote "marry me" in the sand except that it got washed away by the tide and there's no washing this rock away, not unless you pry it off my cold, dead, body anyway. Congrats to all of my fellow brides-to-be!

And my best friend decided to buy me a store. Something I could convert into my own boutique, like the ones I have in New York, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, and Tree Hill. A Vegas boutique was long overdue so props to P. Sawyer before thinking of it before I did. The only thing is that it's going to take a lot of work converting it to a worthy space for all my of designs to hang. And since money is no object here, I doubt it's much of an incentive so I guess really, I'm looking for volunteers. Anyone with experience in construction or deconstruction or able to do some heavy lifting. I'll also need people to work at the store--bitchy people only--and probably a few models for a big launch a few months down the road. Any takers?

Filtered to Julian )

Filtered to Peyton )

Filtered to Andrea )

Filtered to Jenny )

Filtered to Alice )

Dec. 26th, 2009


alice )

Dec. 23rd, 2009



I wonder what Charlie is doing right now. I bet he misses me.

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Christmas...Again. As if my wife needed another reason to shop.

Filtered to Edward

I think we should all get together for Christmas, it would make Alice happy. And as complicated as being around Bella is and will be, I owe it to my long suffering wife to give it a whirl. Keep an eye on me.



I can't believe I've put it off so long. So much shopping, so little time.

Don't worry, Bella, I won't make you go with me. This time. But expect a present. I already know what I'm getting you. In fact, I already know what I'm getting everyone.

And trust me, you're all gonna love it. ;)

Jazz, that goes for you too. On the loving your present and the reprieve of going shopping with me.

Dec. 17th, 2009


Another winter day has come
And gone away
In even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I’m surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Oh, let me go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

[Michael Bublé - Home]

Dec. 10th, 2009


Oh, this is hilarious. Bringing a vampire me to a city where the sun shines constantly. Someone is quite the comedian.

Emmett? Carlisle? Alice? Is anyone else here?

Dec. 9th, 2009



Okay, so first? I was really confused. I thought one of my cokehead-slash-models had slipped me something to make me forget that I had paid them a half a mil each to basically run around acting like they're on the set of a Girls Gone Wild video in my latest, and not to mention supposedly unavailable, couture. Then, I realized there were no rolled up bills turned coke straws laying around and everything was in one piece. That's when I got pissed.

No, I take that back. After reading that stupid welcome message, then I got pissed. I have a clothing line that is falling apart because even after my own stupidity of hiring Rachel as my model, I still haven't learned how not to hire my friends to work for me, and we have this new designer for my men's line that my mother sprung on me without even asking my opinion. Throw in my boyfriend ditching me because my actress-turned-model-turned-failure-turned-scriptwriter-turned-homewrecker tried to kill herself and he needs to save her from her own self-pity, the fact that my best friend just up and ditched me to go travel the world with all her happily ever after, and...the fact that I can't have a baby just, everything, I'll admit it. I could use a break. And Vegas? Not so bad as far as breaks go.

But let's get one thing straight, I already have a black AmEx. I have since just after high school. And I like my old BlackBerry and wrist and/or barcode tattoos? So 2001. I pride myself on being ahead of the trends, not behind them.

So I'll take this little vacation, I'll get my sin on, but make no mistake, I am leaving. And then? I'm getting this stupid thing lasered off.

Now, where's the bar?

Dec. 3rd, 2009


What is the meaning of this? Does somebody have a deathwish? Because I can assure you that a death sentence is what you will receive for bringing me here against my will. Release me immediately and remove your mark.

[EDIT: Filtered to Vampires, Werewolves, Shapeshifters, other supernatural beings.]
I've not been here five minutes and I've scented you. I kindly remind you that my separation from my family does not negate their rule over our kind. Tell me your names and your standing with the Volturi.

Dec. 2nd, 2009



Clearly someone has a flair for the dramatic.

Nov. 24th, 2009


We're having our first Thanksgiving. Well the first traditional Thanksgiving anyway. With turkey and everything. That ought to be weird.

Nov. 5th, 2009


I seem to have forgotten about the unfortunate side effects of overeating.

...I think I just woke up from sleeping.

My stomcah feels...weird? I think I'm hungry?

My heart is beating?
What's going on?

Nov. 1st, 2009


They couldn't have bothered to attack in the Poker Room. They had to break into the living room first. They're lucky they didn't go near my car.

Bella, how are you?

Oct. 20th, 2009


Chez Cullen? )

Some of these rooms are going to need some serious renovations. That red room is not staying red. I'm no Esme, but I can't wait to get started. This will work nicely when I'm done with it. The greenery outside provides excellent shade.

Stamp of approval?

I'm going to skip the fact that this is clearly not Alaska and somehow there is a tattoo on me, just for a moment. More importantly, where are my wife and daughter?

Explanations Please Now would be appreciated.

This was unexpected.



Handsome men parading around in nothing but towels is not going to make me forget how much I miss Edward.

Oct. 19th, 2009


Fantastic night in all. That show was... kind of odd, Jessica. But entertaining. Did anyone else suspect the lead of being the undead?

Good news: the contractor agreed to meet with me early this morning. I brought coffee, he agreed to do the job, beginning today, and I still made it back before dawn with enough time to fax the paperwork for another purchase to the real-estate agent. Someone explain to me what I was thinking when I decided that a former gentleman's club would be the perfect building for a bar?