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Posts Tagged: 'lily+luna+potter'

May. 17th, 2010



Harry )

Lily Luna and Henry )

May. 18th, 2010


( Filtered to Henry )
Want to get married now? Like right now?

May. 17th, 2010


Will Zimmerman )

Lily Luna Potter )

May. 7th, 2010



This computer is a bit antiquated compared to what I'm used to but it's good to see that they didn't really change much in fifteen or so years.   I think I saw a couple of familiar names floating around this board which is interesting to say the least.

Jamie where are you because right now, I'm thinking that we need a night on the town and a gallon or two of something that rusts our innards (which you'll have to buy since we're in the States and I'm underage and knowing you you've had the time to have a fake ID made).

Apr. 29th, 2010


Alright, I can take an elaborate joke as well as anyone else, but whoever planted that portkey has the worst timing imaginable. Not only will you have to deal with me, but also with my formidable pregnant wife and her even more formidable mum. You have no idea what anger is until you've seen Molly Weasley on a rampage.

So let's get me home. If Ginny has that baby without me, it's going to get ugly and fast. I most likely won't be able or willing to save you.

Apr. 24th, 2010



I have a few questions: I will admit this place is a lot like those posh hotels on holiday, and I have been sitting for hours looking out at these lights, and Merlin, this is a sight.

- Where am I? I read that I am in Las Vegas. Where is that?
- Who is Zenner or this Zenner Corp?
- Why am I here when I was quite comfortable at the British university? I want to know now. I really don't get this, all will become clear or whatever. That isn't good enough.
- I have one of those muggle credit cards. I know about those. Not really a question, right?
- How do you use this box thing with the buttons? It says Blackberry. I saw someone talking to it. Very odd.
- Where is my stuff? I do own clothes. I have a great wardrobe. Where is it?

- What the fuck is on my arm?

Does someone care to fill me in on what is going on? Is there anyone from Hogwarts England here?

Apr. 23rd, 2010



I'm engaged!

We're engaged!

Lily Luna Potter and I are getting married!

This again?

Right. Henry? Winchester people? Are you lot still around?

Please say yes.

Lily? James? Severus?


Apr. 3rd, 2010



Lily Potter )

Mar. 19th, 2010


Still bored. )

The other one was less stupid.

Henry encouraged me to fill this out )

Mar. 1st, 2010



to Lily Potter )

Mar. 29th, 2010


If this is punishment from the Illusive Man, there's going to be hell to pay.

Normandy crew? Call out, anyone here?

Feb. 25th, 2010



Where am I? Where's mummy and daddy?

This typewriter is vert strange.

Feb. 22nd, 2010



Sirius? Kreacher?

I... don't know where I am...


Feb. 19th, 2010


What the bloody hell is going on here? What is this place? Whoever is responsible for this will die a very slow and painful death once Rodolphus finds me. You've been warned!!

Feb. 5th, 2010


Okay so this isn't funny, not one bit. Come on, hexing my room and whatever other stuff you've probably done? That's a little bit more than what I did last week! And that was at least funny. So... show yourselves and put my room back!

Feb. 4th, 2010



James Sirius, Lily Luna, and Albus )

Jan. 25th, 2010


I miss my delightful baby sister. Is she de-finnified yet? We've got things that need to happen. People to mug, shite to blow up. I have never missed Scorpius and Jamie so much in my entire fucking life. What is wrong with me?

Regulus Black )

Jan. 13th, 2010


I need some help.

I'm really not certain how to react to this.