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Posts Tagged: 'logan+echolls'

Jun. 12th, 2010


My name's Mick St. John. I got here a couple days ago although don't ask me why. Or how. Then again, from what I've read, that seems to be the case with everyone here.

I have fairly particular dietary needs. I'm without my usual contacts - actually I'm without any of my contacts - and I haven't been able to make any more that I can trust.

I've noticed that there are several people around here who are a little like me. I guess that's what comes of being a Private Investigator, huh? So I was wondering if anyone could put me in touch with somebody who could supply a little A pos. I don't take from humans unless they're willing freshies. Back in LA I get my supplies from a contact in a morgue. He's one of us so it's easier. But here...

Jesus, this is crazy. We're supposed to be secret.


No Beth. No Josef. No Guillermo. No Logan - damn I never thought I'd miss him and his Guitar Hero.

No Cleaner because - not needed. Man, that's not easy to work out. The Vamps here all behave? Not that I mind. Less for me to worry about. But we all seem just a little different from what I can figure.

I hate having to come out in the open like this. But I'm thirsty.

Why so many floors unavailable? Accommodation seems to start on the 13th floor - what's beneath? I'm guessing it's to do with Zenner since it's pretty much a no-brainer. But I can't get in and I can't see or hear anything from outside any of the windows.

I hate feeling like a pack of produce in a grocery store. This is not helped by my new tattoo.

The World Cup? Today? US playing England? I just might have to check in on that.

Jun. 9th, 2010


So. I'm a dad.

Jun. 4th, 2010



Senator Amidala )

Lilly Kane )

Logan Echolls )

Piz Piznarski )

Mac MacKenzie )

May. 31st, 2010



I've never had to be on the look out for vampires before. Shouldn't we just all wait outside of the local Hot Topic?

Veronica Mars )

May. 24th, 2010



Who wants Chiclets? I've brought back enough for all.

In case I didn't tell you enough over the weekend...I am so glad to have you back. This weekend was like old times.

I'm too lazy to unpack tonight. Let's order up obscene amounts of takeout and watch bad tv.

May. 23rd, 2010



Oh, Tijuana. You classy town.

But I have missed the beach.

May. 19th, 2010



Puck )

May. 18th, 2010



filtered; Logan & Piz
Either of you considering the option of furthering your college education while we're stuck here?

filtered; Dad
I know we don't want to be stuck here forever, but I was thinking of maybe looking into getting our Nevada PI licenses? We could be study buddies.

May. 17th, 2010


filtered to alex, logan, veronica, piz, mac, john and cameron

Alright so mine and Alex's last final is on Wednesday and to celebrate I have rented out this awesome beach house down in Tijuana. We have it for Saturday to next Monday. Who's in?

May. 16th, 2010



It's Sunday night. We're young, pretty, have unlimited cash, and just so happen to be in one of the most sinful cities on the planet...

Who's up for bowling?

Private to Self
I promised myself I'd stop thinking about that thing with Justin. Yeah, totally not working. I don't know. Maybe I just miss home and my mind wants to focus on anything else.

I keep wondering if Noah's had his surgery yet. If he can see again. If he'd notice I was gone even if he could.


I'm beginning to think it's time to find a fake ID. I end up in Vegas and I'm a year too young for the casinos, how lame is that?

May. 15th, 2010


Vegas? Again?

No one can get enough of the Puckosaurus.

May. 14th, 2010



Lilly painted my nails. Kinky in Helsinki. I do not understand how the name describes the colour pink.

May. 10th, 2010



"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his." - Oscar Wilde

May. 6th, 2010



Lily and I installed our new home security system this afternoon.

so much better than ADT )

I still haven't found my master. I don't think he's here!!! What am I suppose to do without my master???

May. 5th, 2010


While half of me is proud of my first A, the other half shudders with the knowledge that should Celeste ever somehow find out about this I will have made her proud. The horror.

Logan )

Veronica )

May. 4th, 2010



filtered away from Billy! )



Movie friends!

It's Star Wars Day, so I went and used our trusty unlimited card to buy out the biggest movie theater screen for the night. We're going to marathon the original trilogy. Not the newer ones, since I have a feeling that would just alienate and annoy our Star Wars victims.

Everyone is welcome! Since I have the theater we're all guaranteed tickets, and we'll allow some commoners if we feel like it. That series is always better to watch in a full house.

Everyone and anyone is welcome. Bring your friends and family. You can respond to this to say you'll be there, or just show up. Plenty of room. Refreshments will be provided so you don't even need your cards. This is all on me, folks.

Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
The Return of the Jedi

Tonight, starting at 8 PM!

private to Veronica )



May the fourth be with you, always.

And for all you Star Wars fans out there that are men.


click here for hotness )

Today is a good day.