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Posts Tagged: 'claudia+donovan'

May. 17th, 2010



Does anyone know how to play the electrical guitar??!! I wana learn how to play. I can pay in cookies or back rubs or something like that!

May. 16th, 2010


Private to Self
I promised myself I'd stop thinking about that thing with Justin. Yeah, totally not working. I don't know. Maybe I just miss home and my mind wants to focus on anything else.

I keep wondering if Noah's had his surgery yet. If he can see again. If he'd notice I was gone even if he could.


I'm beginning to think it's time to find a fake ID. I end up in Vegas and I'm a year too young for the casinos, how lame is that?

May. 15th, 2010


Vegas? Again?

No one can get enough of the Puckosaurus.

May. 11th, 2010



If this is a joke, Ranmaru. Yuki and Takenaga, then IT'S NOT FUNNY! If YOU'RE responsible, Sunako, then I am going to eat ALL your ice cream AND hide Hiroshi-kun as soon as I get back. And force you to sit in the sun for three hours. And force you to look at me.

If this ISN'T a joke then Zenner whatever-you-are, if you've kidnapped me for some sick purpose then I'm going to kill you. Seriously.

I'm hungry.

May. 6th, 2010



As much as I love Steven Tyler, I am extremely pleased to announce that dude no longer looks like a lady.

Carry on.

May. 5th, 2010


We are the King of Narnia and We demand to know who this Zenner is and why he has brought Us here.

May. 3rd, 2010



Hmm.. you know, this isn't really as bad as when I first noticed my change. Hopefully I'll get turned back soon.

But I have a question. I'm going to order some video games in a bit for Xbox and Playstation 3. So I need advice. What games could anyone recommend that I get? I really like action, RPGs, and shooters. Fun, fun.

Apr. 28th, 2010




Thanks for the fun, Zenner!

Apr. 21st, 2010


Well, then.

I guess this takes care of my envy.

Well, I haven't been on here much, but that's because I've been getting settled. And settled I am.

The casinos around here are fun. Especially when you've got a specter telling you which roulette numbers to pick.

About me moving in there with you guys... Offer still stand? I want to stay here awhile longer, but being closer to you sounds like a good idea.

Man, that sounded gay.



Hell yeah, I'm smoking hot!



No wobbley dude part...

Have boobs...

Friggin friggin happy...

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck it! I'm a chick again! YAY! Thank friggin GOD! Bein' a dude for even 24hrs was a serious pain in the ass! I NEVER WANT TO HAVE A PENIS AGAIN!!! NEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER. Well not have one you know attached. Whatever that sounded dirty.



God damnit. Who has clothes that will fit me? I'm so not going shopping. Sarah's too much of a freaking beanpole. None of her stuff works.

I've been a chick less than 48 hours and I already have body issues. Zenner, you suck so hard.

Apr. 20th, 2010



The Zenner people sure are getting creative... We all must agree this is better than the supernatural creature experiment...

Albus )

Dr. Sweets )



WHOA! There's some SERIOUSLY WRONG here!! MISSING body parts and have an EXTRA one! WTF is going on?! WTF!!!!!!!!

EDIT: And it wobbles! WOBBLES!!! How the hell do you guys WALK AROUND WITH A WOBBLEY PARRT?!

Apr. 19th, 2010



So, when exactly did the Simpsons start sucking?



OK!!!!! I FINALLY narrowed my car choices down to two cars. Soooooooo lemme know which of the two you think is best!!

The pretty pretties!! )

Apr. 18th, 2010



You know what, people? I have a sordid history of waking up someplace and not remembering the night before. And I'm not exactly enjoying the re-enactment here.

Somebody better start telling me what the hell is going on here. This little note isn't exactly cutting it.



Ok, what is going on here? Last thing I remember I'm being all heroic and fighting Superboy Prime and then Cassie tells me I saved the world and next thing I know I'm in some strange hotel room and there's all this crap with my name on it. Not to mention, if this computer is right then I somehow missed the last four years. Where is Tim Robin when you need him?

And who the hell is Zenner Corp? Bet Luthor has something to do with this. He always does. Well I'm not sticking around to find out. As fun as it'd be to hang around Vegas, I gotta get out of here and get back. So thanks, but no thanks, Zenner!

Apr. 17th, 2010


So… Is something terrible about to be thrown my way or is this just that vacation I asked God for about seven years ago but never got? Because either way? This blows. I hate it when people touch my babies weapons. Eyes could have been easily poked out.