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Posts Tagged: 'jo+harvelle'

Feb. 23rd, 2010


This place is so crazy, amusing. But crazy.

Filtered to Castiel

How is everything going? ;-)

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Everyone Cheer the Hell Up. )



Someone just dropped off six boxes of cutlery.

Mom )

Dean )

Nov. 30th, 2009


Joanna )



Castiel )

Nov. 25th, 2009



Andy )

Nov. 24th, 2009


So...Kind of some big news from the Winchester/Moore/Harvelle house.

It seems like such a strange thing to write, I'd rather be hollering it from some kind of mountain top.

Last week Sam asked me to marry him and I, obviously, said yes. It was very romantic he got down on one knee and everything. I have an engagement ring!!!! And so...Naturally there will be a wedding forthcoming, and while Jo and I stock up on books entitled "Wedding planning for Dummies" there will be other announcements and apparently an engagement party is on the table too. I'm not sure when that will happen!

All cluelessness about wedding planning aside...The most important message is that we're getting married!!!!!!!!

Clearly now that he's got a job and can support a wife it's time to take the next step in our relationship. :-P

Nov. 22nd, 2009


Clean water! Girly soap! Comfy bed!

Oh my god, I don't care if I'm dreaming, please god don't ever let me wake up.



Jess! Dan Aykroyd has his own vodka. In a freaking crystal skull. I have no idea how I've missed this. But I think we need to get one. And marathon the shit out of Dan Aykroyd movies.

Nov. 20th, 2009


Not to sound cliche or anything, but I am definitely not in Kansas anymore.

Filtered to Jo )

Nov. 19th, 2009



((supernatural spoilers within))

ellen )

chuck )

Courtesy cuts for Supernatural spoilers; Filtered to Jo )

Filtered to Cas )

Filtered to Ellen )

Filtered to Sam )

Nov. 13th, 2009


How are you feeling, Jessica? Joanna?

I really did not see this coming.

I know. Prophet. Didn't see it coming. Funny.

Except...not really.

Nov. 12th, 2009



Jess I hate you so much right now and we are never making out again.


Sam dragged me to the doctor at an ungodly hour. They gave me cough medicine and some crazy anti-viral...And took some blood. Fuckers I need that blood. But they said they wanted to "run some tests." WHO NEEDS TO RUN TESTS FOR THE FLU? I called shenanigans but they took it anyway.

Well that was a million hours ago, and my phone just rang...WTF IS A SWINE FLU? We didn't have swine flu in 2005. We had bird flu though...Anyone taking bets on when the two combine and become the "flying pig flu..." I know, all you 2009-ers are probably like "OLD JOKE JESSICA..." Don't care I wanted to make it anyway. Ugh. I've never been this sick in my life, EVER. What did I ever do to you piggies?!? I love you and respect you and think bacon is one of your greatest offers to humanity. Also? ALSO....I think that email that always goes around with the Dachsund nursing the piglet is ADORABLE.


Nov. 11th, 2009



I think a little part of my soul just died... )

Ew. Vomit.

ETA: And a fever?

ETA: And more vomit?

ETA: Saaaaaaam. Answer your phone. I'm going to be dead by morning.