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Posts Tagged: 'toph'

Dec. 24th, 2009


This isn't New York.

Dec. 21st, 2009


Wow! People are getting violent out there. Not sure what that was all about but it was fun! I almost died laughing when this one lady tried to knock me aside.

What's Band Hero anyways? She apparently thought I was trying to get the last one?

Dec. 20th, 2009



Nobody here has heard of my father's company at all. I keep looking for signs of it, because I wonder which of my adorable sisters got the reins. But Frost Enterprises is apparently foreign to anyone and everyone. I know for a fact that there are few countries untouched by my father's claws, and Las Vegas is full of people who should rightfully know about it.

There is something more going on here than was obvious at the beginning. Though I suppose the only sensible conclusion isn't exactly a surprise.

Dec. 19th, 2009



Just kidding. Heard that the other day and thought I'd make fun of you all.

How's everyone doin. No more singing I hope unless your with that glee thing.

Dec. 18th, 2009


I was singing in a laundromat. How ironic.

Dec. 17th, 2009



I hate music now. All music.

I'm never singing again not even in the shower!

I have to say that this wasn't what I expected. I expected a better reception at least.

Mal? If this is an attempt to bring me back it is good won't work.

What'n gorram hell?

Alright, everyone can calm down, the NSA is on the case now and we're going to figure this out.

Dec. 16th, 2009


A train crashed
And everything slows down
I was wishing I could get out of this town
These dreams we've had
Have never made you cry
And I am not a twinkle in your eye
But I've got to get out of here
Cuz you drive me up the wall
I've got to get out of here
Cuz I can't stand to fall

[Something Corporate-If I Die]

Alpha didn't do this.
Tags: , ,

Dec. 12th, 2009



Decoration Contest anyone?

So hey, random strangers I don't know.

If I hosted a door decorating contest, since we're all jammed in this fancy pants hotel thing (except those who were clever enough to escape into mansions), would anyone play along? it isn't like we need prize money or anything, but I would totally buy some prizes to hand out to participants who won.

Dec. 11th, 2009


Filtered to Sam, Jess, Jo, Cas, Gabriel, Anna )

I think I need a beer. Who wants to join me?

Dec. 10th, 2009


It's sad how many people have forgotten the true meaning of this particular holiday season. And a hint? It's not about guitar hero or whatever that silly game two grown women felt the need to resort to violence over is called.

I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, never trust Dexter Dearborn when he says "Hey Cap, can you just sit there quietly for a quick minute?"

However...This place is already fascinating, apparently this plastic thing means I have money, and there isn't an an angry blonde anywhere in sight.

Good boy, Dex!

Dec. 9th, 2009


Homesickness really doesn't go away, it just kind of gets worse.

I can't believe the holidays are already almost here, I mean seriously...What am I going to do without school to keep me occupied?

I really think we should start learning some holiday music. I don't do Christmas but I do love Christmas Carols.

Dec. 4th, 2009


Ok... so does it work? Can you see or read or whatever I'm doing?
This is really weird. I feel kind of stupid talking to myself like this.