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Posts Tagged: 'sierra'

May. 6th, 2010


Dr. Saunders was talking to me, and I could hear Topher saying he couldn't find the Dewey Pen I wanted. Then everything was black, and I couldn't hear anyone. It was cold, but not like absolute zero freezing, just uncomfortable. I couldn't get comfortable without my body, and I'm not sure how I could feel cold without a body. Is this what it's like for them in the chair

I woke up. It took a while to wake up, like I'd fallen asleep for the last time, but if that was so then how come I'm still me. I checked, and I'm still me.

It doesn't take a genius to know that this is Las Vegas, city of Lights or Sin depending on who you talk to. Either one is fine with me. Who am I to judge considering

This wasn't in the plan. I have goals and directives, and I was almost finished restoring the wedge. After that, there was supposed to be more. More with Topher.

What is this place? Is it heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Or something else that I can't factor?

May. 4th, 2010


Haha, okay, this isn't so funny. I mean, really, really not funny. My space! I had some! And uh, what's with the whole mandatory vacation thing? Because personally, I thought the whole creepy Rossum-style kidnappings were behind us.



Paul's withholding the mac and cheese until I post something on this.

So, just to make sure I haven't missed anything, it's 2010, the tattoo that's not there anymore keeps us from leaving, and the Zenner people fuck with us for fun? Huh...trapped somewhere with science types who like to experiment on people. Makes me all nostalgic.

That about it?

May. 3rd, 2010


Zenner has some quad.

May. 1st, 2010


No. No, no, no. What happened, I didn't really live ten years ago? I'm in the Attic and they thought this would be a funny time to bring me back? It was all a dream? I just died? Whatever it is, it's not funny.

And if this is real, I need to go back where I came from. I was in the middle of something.

Apr. 22nd, 2010



So let's recap.

Boss: gone.

Male-type-person-who-might-have-been-boyfriend-material: gone.

Me: stuck here.

So let's focus on the positive. I'm still here and I'm still painting like a fiend. Speaking of which: back home my best friend and I used to organize this thing called Art Crawl! where all the people in our building, a renovated warehouse full of illegal subletters who were all artists, would come together and show off. And sometimes we'd have themes and everybody would hang their art and the ones who perform would perform and Lacey - she's my roommate, she's a confrontational spoken-word performance artists - would do her thing and Noser would play Stump the Band and it was overall awesome.

Are there any other artistic types around here who'd be interested in something like this?

Mar. 20th, 2010


( Claire, Priya, Tony + Topher )

Are you guys okay?

One word: lasertag.

Who's in?

ETA: Also teams. There's my team and... well we need others. Okay, we have Priya's team too. Make more people.

Team Ashley: Ashley, Kate, Henry, Shawn, Chiana, Samantha Carter, Vala, Jack O'Neill, Carolyn.

Team Priya: Priya, Echo, Tony, Carl, Topher.

Team Castle: Castle, Alexis, John Crichton.

Team Noa: Noa, Jaeger, Sarah, Michelle, Dawn.

Mar. 12th, 2010


Of all the places to be stuck, though...Las Vegas?

Feb. 28th, 2010


I didn't I I mean there was nothing which isn't to say that I didn't try because I did I did I did try so hard all day because I can fix it I know I know I know I can fix it with just a little more time space tech no no no no no tech tech isn't allowed tech is bad they said no more tech ditch the tech so we shot it took it down boom it all went boom because we won lost won we will win she she said Caroline Echo Bennett had the answers all of them but that's okay because I'm smart so so so smart so I can fix it save it save them all I didn't mean to I don't want to hurt anymore out out damn'd spot but I'm not bleeding no blood on my hands just minds if there's a soul mine is

Feb. 14th, 2010


Someone please tell me the date on the computer is wrong. It can't be February 14, 2010!

Feb. 4th, 2010



The following names are added to my list of humans for a temporary time until Claire Saunders is married in a human ceremony to Jocelyn Eldridge. They will not be harmed, and all threats apply. After this 'wedding' they will all be allowed to die without prejudice, unless it upsets the humans on my permanent list.

Selena Ramirez. Echo. Priya Tsetsang. Anthony Ceccoli. Adelle DeWitt. Laurence Dominic. Judith Miller. Jenny Humphrey. Topher Brink. Bennett Halverson.

Jan. 11th, 2010



Have you been experimenting on me in my sleep? Because this is not cool.

Jan. 6th, 2010



All right.

Where can I buy alcohol here, and how do I use this little card to do that?

Jan. 5th, 2010


I think the military has severely reduced their standards since I went through )

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Filtered to Echo & Anthony )

Dec. 17th, 2009



What the sun-dappled hell does Ambrose think he's doing? Oh wonderful. I get to be assaulted by an endless stream of depressed sentiments expressed in song. Do cry more, children. Good lord, a barcode tattoo? How very...American. I never did care overly much for Las Vegas.

Would someone care to explain what exactly this Zenner Corporation is playing at?

Alright, everyone can calm down, the NSA is on the case now and we're going to figure this out.

This again? I mean, Vegas, again, Wooohoooo. Yeah.

filtered to Topher )
Tags: ,

Dec. 16th, 2009


I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas!