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Posts Tagged: 'tim+wayne'

Jun. 12th, 2010


gotham went away.

did they take it?

Jun. 11th, 2010


Text to kon

I was supposed to be coming home today but I feel pretty miserable. Unless you want to come get me I'll be staying at Bruces till tomorrow. Too tired to move.

Jun. 8th, 2010



Filtered to Tim

Did you know that Chloe is like the Babs for her team? Her codename is Watchtower. She offered to help and fill in where she can.

Jun. 7th, 2010



I thought Alfred's training on a bad day was a rough workout. Excuse me I'll be sleeping for the next week
I'll never try that again

Jun. 6th, 2010


league filter

Maybe I was a little hasty trying to do everything alone that Babs could do. I just..I'm worried so I was taught to do something with it rather then sit around and do nothing. I don't deal with absence that great but I'm trying. So I might not be able to do everything but I will always try. This is a team. Bruce made me see it pretty damn good last night we should all take a roll and maybe Babs will come back soon..God knows I can't do this without her

Jun. 5th, 2010


Justice League.

Babs is gone. figures the only one I could talk to about these things is just gone and Just thought you should be aware. I'll be taking over most of her duties to my best ability.

May. 28th, 2010



Filtered to Bruce, Babs, Tim and Bart

So, Bart and Virgil were supposed to come by mine and Tim's tonight after Virgil's patrol. Bart showed up, but Virgil hasn't and we can't get in contact with him and he's not in his and Bart's room.

May. 27th, 2010



Filtered to Tim, Bart, Kara, Steph, Virgil, Dinah and Terry

Who wants to go hunt some vampires?

May. 25th, 2010


Filtered to Babs and Bruce.

So...Kon suggested a vacation, I'm going to lose my sanity if I stay here in Vegas a minute longer. Our month is almost up, we might take one. I've never had one before. Without ninjas, or crazy undercover operations. But I didn't want to just go and leave without saying anything. Kon said to leave my suit, I really don't see that happeni

May. 24th, 2010



It's a good thing we have unlimited credit cards, cause I forgot how much Krypto eats. I think he's got the same appetite as me.


Seriously, how about we leave Robin and Superboy here this weekend and go just be Tim and Kon somewhere?

May. 20th, 2010


Justice League filter.

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of this city.

May. 19th, 2010


Filtered to Clark.

Consider this your only warning. Kon wants to see you. Do anything to hurt him and I will know, and then I'll take you down. Hard. the way you've been acting is
you're Clark, but you haven't been acting like C

funny stuff under here. )



Filtered to Tim and Babs

Since I promised Tim that I'd let him know when I was meeting with Clark, I figured I'd extend that to you too, Babs. You can both monitor our meeting. We're gonna meet tomorrow night on the roof. So, we'll still be close by if Tim's hunch about him being off is right.

May. 15th, 2010



Filtered to Tim

Where are you at? I was atleast nice enough to leave you a note last night, but there is no note from you. ;) Decided where you wanna go tonight?

May. 12th, 2010



How come everyone from Tim's family gets to come from our Universe and everyone from mine comes from another Universe where I don't even exist? That's not fair.

May. 11th, 2010


Filtered to the Justice League, Bat family, ect…

Keep your eyes open for Clark. We got a shield. Which means:

Either we have the real thing…

Or somebody’s playing a game of Copy Cat in a failed attempt at being amusing.

I’m going to go with the first one until I’m proven wrong.

May. 6th, 2010


filtered to Babs.

Babs, my math teacher wants to see you.

[Added filter later to Kon]
We might be switching math classes.

May. 3rd, 2010


That was tiring. Not the school part, the being stared at all day part.
I should just talk to h
what's wrong with me
My seat was by the window and the sun was bleeding on me all day. I thought I was going to melt. The teacher wouldn't let me close the blinds. Creep.

Filtered to the Justice League, Bat family, ect…

Have I ever hinted at wanting a yellow apron with a sheep on the front?

Because, strangely, I don’t recall that.
