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Posts Tagged: 'tali%27zorah+vas+normandy'

Jun. 11th, 2010


Yeah, this? This is so not cool. If I were a more violent person, I'd be breaking things.

The apartment might be sweet, but this tattoo is bullshit.

Normandy and Galactica folks.

I miss everyone. Let's do something.

May. 8th, 2010


Filtered Away from the Victorians

So who is actually dressing up tonight?

May. 5th, 2010


I may have gone a liiiitle overboard with the spending in the last few days. But at the time, all this stuff seemed important. I've never seen this much money..and now I remember why I don't like it. it turns people into giant materialistic douche b I lost focus. I've been reading about Zenner, going through back logs on this computer thing. Where's Angela when I need her and I've got a few questions. I'm Special Agent Booth with the FBI. Has anyone actually met the guys behind all the stuff? A few of you have tried to leave but ended back here, anyway? What's that about?

and is Superman here, because really that would just be aweso

Apr. 14th, 2010


John Mitchell

It... ummm seems we have been paired together. Would you like to talk beforehand?

filtered to original Normandy crew: Ashley, Kaidan, Garrus, Tali, Liara, and Joker )

Normandy Crew

I think I'm going to try to hack one of those keypads on the lower levels. Will one of you cover me?

Apr. 12th, 2010


Someone here is aiming to get hurt, and it's not me. Whoever's running this place, get me back to the flotilla and back to my own body, and I'll consider not shooting everything here back to the homeworld.

You have no idea what you are getting into, or the lengths that Cerberus will go to retrieve me. It is in your best interest to return me to my ship immediately.

Apr. 9th, 2010


Commander Shepard gave me the lowdown. Unlimited funds? Somebody boost up this tech, stat. 2010 is ancient history.

Also, I want a jet.

I've been to Vegas before, but everything looks so ... retro. I approve of this grand adventure! It's not the first time I've been kidnapped, but it's the first time I've been taken and haven't felt kidnapped. At least, the first time it came with lots and lots of money and good food.

Anyone else here? Shep? Garrus? Taylor?



I have been watching television to learn more about Earth culture, but so far I find myself limited to 'Attack of the Show'. I find it difficult to turn over, and utterly impossible when Olivia Munn is on. Why is this?

And how do I contact Olivia Munn? I wish to speak to her about my ideas for the show and how her outfits might change. She is wearing far too much clothing, and she must be overheated. That is the reason.

Apr. 7th, 2010



Two words: Sky Diving.

Who has the huevos rancheros to come with me?

Apr. 6th, 2010


What Commander?

Mar. 31st, 2010


I do not understand the purpose of these women seeking companionship on this network through brief, meaningless descriptions and qualifiers of suitable partners.

Is this common amongst humans, Shepard?

I admit that I am having some difficulty adapting to my new circumstances. Perhaps you could assist me in better understanding the subtleties of being human?



Sheperd-Commander? Sheperd-Commander?

Filtered away from Normandy and Galactica crews.

Shepard's going to kill me

So I saw a lot of people looking for someone on these things. I think I’m going to make one of those posts now.

I like working on technology and machines. I have Quarian commando training. I’m newly human and am still learning about it.

I guess I just want someone nice to talk with?

I don't have a picture but is the little one by my post enough?

Mar. 29th, 2010


(Shepard, EDI, Shepard's clone)
Is what those women doing normal? Looking for people on the extranet?

Mar. 26th, 2010


Locked to Galactica Crew and Cdr Shepard's Group

With regard to our discussion of a group compound how about checking out this place?
This house: seven bedrooms, six baths, two half baths, 10,000 sq ft.
This house: six bedrooms, six baths, 7400 sq ft.
This house: six bedrooms, five baths, two half baths, 8000 sq ft.

Oh there's this place. I guess it used to be owned by some guy named Michael Jackson. It has ten bedrooms, nineteen baths and 21,000 sq ft. It's a compound with five buildings. Think that will be big enough for all of us?

ETA: I've read a bit more about this place. There is a main house, a guest house, and staff quarters. I was thinking about what we said about building the Viper and we could probably convert the equestrian part of the property for that. Plus the place already has a shooting range like I suggested we should have. Crash and I talked about it and it sounds like a possible plan.

Mar. 23rd, 2010


Is it normal behavior here to introduce yourself and then get socked in the face? Yes, no?