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Posts Tagged: 'oliver+queen'

Jun. 5th, 2010


Justice League.

Babs is gone. figures the only one I could talk to about these things is just gone and Just thought you should be aware. I'll be taking over most of her duties to my best ability.

Jun. 2nd, 2010



Filtered to Justice League

I think I may have found Chloe, scratch that, I did find Chloe. After what that girl said about her vision, I took Krypto to check out some of the abandoned warehouses near highways and while sweeping one, I found her. She's alive and it looks like she's alone, but I didn't wanna rush in by myself, cause Tim would kill me. so I'm calling in backup. [Warehouse address.]

May. 30th, 2010


One out one to go. Vampires. Real vampires. Who the hell deals with vampires and why aren't they being dealt with?
A later edit added: Before anyone else gets their panties in a bunch, I'm not talking about every single vampire in the history of ever. Only the ones out there kidnapping and torturing people.

[Justice League]
Plan B. Lets get to it.

We still have work to do.

May. 28th, 2010


Justice League.

Sounds like they've got them both in the same area.

We could use all the active members we've got, we don't know how many of them are going to be there. And we need a plan, Kon first or otherwise. I'm not a fan of sending anyone in blind. Kryptonian or not.

I like the blond one. She has spunk. The little one, however, begins to annoy.

Filtered to the Justice League and their associates

Chloe’s missing. She went out last night for coffee. Something happened. I got a scream and that’s it. I found her phone on a sidewalk two blocks down the road. That’s Virgil and Chloe in one night. We need to do something. Anything.

May. 20th, 2010


Justice League filter.

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of this city.

May. 19th, 2010


funny stuff under here. )

May. 18th, 2010



[ooc: posted after thread where his friends finally found him, since he'd have gotten reacquainted and come back to the hotels by now. Filter also includes Kon, Kara, and Batfamily peeps as "their allies." :)

Filtered to the Justice League and their allies )

May. 15th, 2010




Filtered to the Justice League.

I'm getting tired of looking. Whose ready for plan B?

May. 12th, 2010



May. 11th, 2010


Filtered to the Justice League, Bat family, ect…

Keep your eyes open for Clark. We got a shield. Which means:

Either we have the real thing…

Or somebody’s playing a game of Copy Cat in a failed attempt at being amusing.

I’m going to go with the first one until I’m proven wrong.

May. 8th, 2010


I found something thats yours Ollie.

And look, I can do the big letters now too1

May. 4th, 2010


Hey pretty bird, you got your perfume all over the leather. My suit smells like I spent last night frolicking through the flowers. It’s incredibly manly. Believe me.

I smell like a girl.

May. 3rd, 2010


justice league filter

I was good and stayed for the whole day of this boring school thing.. do I get time off for good behavior now?

May. 2nd, 2010


justice league, teen titans, and associated

So alot of you guys know eachother, but..I only know of you. I've worked with some, others not so much. Name's Virgil. From Dakota. Bored in Vegas. I like long walks on the beach..wait. This isn't that kind of intro. But an intro it is. So..I was thinking about it, and everyone I knew is probably still back home. Bart apparently knows the universe, so now..maybe I should make with the social. and stop sulking cause that isn't going to help any

May. 1st, 2010


I just wanted to make this little fact known to the world before somebody else brings it up.

Green Arrow DOES NOT wear tights. It’s actually leather. And he would NEVER IN A MILLIONS YEARS be caught dead running around in tights. TIGHTS + THE GREEN ARROW DO NOT GO TOGETHER. He's never liked tights and he never will.

End of story.

Apr. 29th, 2010



filtered to people from her world and alternate versions of the same world (Bat-people, Teen Titans, JLA, etc) )

Apr. 21st, 2010


I'm so glad Clark isn't here.

He'd make one hell of an ugly woman.