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Posts Tagged: 'eric+northman'

Apr. 17th, 2010


I hear there's a vampire slayer here. A vampire slayer....oh, my.

That is just so adorable.

In other news, I'm thirsty. I've been told it would be unwise to kill, so I'm holding off for now. But mainstreaming...that's something I hope to avoid, at least for the time being. I wouldn't usually ask, but who'd like to trade blood for blood? Vampire blood has an outstanding effect on humans.

Apr. 15th, 2010


( Buffy )

You may wish to keep a particularly close eye on your charges. I fear for their safety, and yours, with the newest arrivals.

This. Is. Not. ACCEPTABLE.

Apr. 14th, 2010



Eric Northman

HI! I'm Claudia, your date through this blind date thing! :-D I'm totally excited and very nervous about this!

Apr. 13th, 2010


I never wanted to come to Las Vegas to start with.

Gran would KILL me if she saw this tattoo.

Someone send me back to Bon Temps, please.

Apr. 8th, 2010


Blind dates?

The fuck?

Have people forgotten how to do shit for themselves these days?

And what's happened to Paul? If Zenner have sent him back and not me then there's gonna be a shitload of trouble.

If he's found a way out on his own and not told me there'll be even MORE trouble.


The new glittery fucker scares the shit out of me. What IS it?

( Godric )

I have taken the liberty of adding you to the list Ms. Serra is compiling. Just so you are not surprised when she contacts you with arrangements.

Hello everyone. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Inara Serra. I've noticed that there have been a lot of dating ads going up and I thought that I might actually arrange some get togethers for people. A sort of blind date night. If this is something you might be interested in, or it's something someone you know might be interested in, please contact me. Everything you say will be private and completely confidential.

[OOC: this is just the ic way of announcing this. If you haven't signed your characters up in this, please do so here. We need moar guys.]

Apr. 7th, 2010



Two words: Sky Diving.

Who has the huevos rancheros to come with me?

Apr. 6th, 2010


About bloody time.

My power are finally starting to come back. I was starting to worry that I was going to be stuck being all normal forever.

Who wants to go kill something to celebrate?

Apr. 5th, 2010



Alright ladies, time to really pay attention, because the #1 stud in the area is on the market and you do not want to miss this one.

Me: Just enough of a bad boy that your father wouldn't like me, and just enough of a good guy that you'll want to keep me around. Tall, snarky, over a thousand, and come on, just look at the picture!

Likes: Making smart ass remarks, people and places with taste and class, making fun of sparklepires, movies, watching drama enfold (especially if I'm in it).

cut for picture! )

You: Little feisty blonds, anyone with a smart mouth who can keep up with me, girls who don't mind the vampire thing (I don't bite ... unless you ask!).

Apr. 2nd, 2010


This is becoming just a bit ridiculous.

Buffy )

Mar. 28th, 2010


Helen Magnus )

Eric )

Mar. 19th, 2010


Oh for fuck's sake.

Mar. 20th, 2010


Still can't fucking believe that the Zenner assholes did that to me. But I checked back on this damn thing and... fuck.

Still can't find them though. Bastards AND cowards.


I'll do what Godric suggested. I mean, we were all kids at one time or another. And if Dwayne, Marko and Star ever get here at least they won't know. Because NOBODY will tell them.


Anyhow. I'm off out to kill things. Michael? Paul? You know where to find me if you need me. Sorta.

Mar. 13th, 2010


I spent the last few days exploring and testing the credit card. That's a bit fucking classy, that. Now I have everything Laurel and Hardy ever made! Except for the shitty cartoon, which was, uh, shit.

[Filtered for Vampires and other supernatural types]

Dr. Wilson was saying that there are other vampires here, so who's in charge? Are there rules?

Mar. 12th, 2010


I suspect that is an experience I do not wish to repeat.

Godric )

Buffy )

Mar. 8th, 2010



Okay, so like, Dawnie wanted to go to the bookstore so I was like whatever, they have cafes in there now so it's cool, but I got bored because I don't know anyone in those stupid magazines anymore. And have you seen George Clooney? Olllllld. Anyway, so I was bored and went looking for her and these girls my age were talking about something and they said it was some book series I totally had to check out.

So I'm like, reading is for ugly girls, but whatever, I'm bored. I'm sooooo glad I did, this book is awesome. I mean okay, so the girl is totally boring and really, learn to get some sun and cheer up already, but she's in love with this vampire guy. He's soooo dreamy! I'm like, stop paying attention to her and come find me, right? Everyone keeps saying there's a werewolf that comes in and then she almost goes with him instead, and that's just stupid, because omigod, it's so clear that Edward is her soul mate!

I'm reading the next book by the pool!

Mar. 3rd, 2010



Omigod. Okay, so like, if this is one of those cheerleader rushes things, it's gone way too far. I have a test tomorrow, and if I fail bio my mom is going to freak, and I'm going to have to sit near a loser as they tutor me. And you can totally catch loser, okay?

It'll be nice when this is over.