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Posts Tagged: 'benjamin+linus'

Jun. 11th, 2010



Benjamin Linus )

Dad and I found a place. It's even big enough for an office. So it looks like Vegas is getting Mars Investigations after all. The philandering spouses and other assorted low-lifes of Sin City should watch their backs.

I think Zenner sent Padmé home. Her room was empty when I stopped by this morning.



It's been three days now, and I still don't have any answers to how I got here. I suppose now all I can do it accept my present situtation and make the best of it. Diana will have to do without me for a while. I'm hoping some of my other team mates made it here as well, so if you guys are out there please let me know.

Apr. 20th, 2010



Son of a bitch.

Apr. 19th, 2010


So not everyone around here is pathetic.



What the hell is going on? Is this some sort of elaborate joke? I mean, kidnapped by the Zenner Corporation?

Thanks for at least making sure the blinds were closed. Abe I'm going to kick your skinny fish ass!!!!

God I detest Vegas.



So, when exactly did the Simpsons start sucking?

Apr. 15th, 2010


I had a dream about Aaron last night, the awful look in his eyes as he attacked, the way it felt to die alone on that patio. Can't shake it for the life of me. It's going to be one of those days.

Hey Alex, let's go gamble ridiculous amounts of money that isn't ours.

Apr. 7th, 2010


Heaven has more Neon than I expected.

I like it.

Mar. 31st, 2010


(Juliet) )

Mar. 30th, 2010


I'm looking for some people I might know, and in general I thought it'd be good to introduce myself.

Allow me to ignore the bizarre circumstances surrounding us. I'm quite an expert at treating bizarre circumstances as merely mundane for a while now. My name is Benjamin Linus; it's a pleasure to meet....many of you.

Jan. 2nd, 2010



What. The. Hell. Is this another Hatch?

Dec. 20th, 2009


I believe I might have to take my hat off to our friends at the Zenner Corporation. This place is quite fascinating. It's

Dec. 18th, 2009



Well, hello Vegas. My my my.

There's this part of my brain, waaaay in the back, that's telling me that kidnapping generally isn't a good thing and I should probably be exhibiting hulk-like rage at my current situation...

But then the rest of my brain sees Vegas and this handy credit card, and tells that other part to cram it.

That other part finally listened when it saw my extremely attractive new roommate. Hey there, Vanessa.

But still...this is pretty weird. Even by my extremely skewed Sunnydalian perspective. In fact, this whole sitch positively reeks of Summers and the weird crap that is always happening to her. Come on, Dawnie. Are you in on this? Olly olly oxen free.



I don't understand.

Dec. 13th, 2009


If this is what being dead is like, I'm disappointed.

Dec. 12th, 2009


Thanks, but no thanks.

So tell me, Jacob. Is this another test? Or did I get too close to getting back; to breaking your precious rules? That's it, isn't it? I think we both know it doesn't end here. We're not finished. You can't just dispose of me, like the others.

You should've killed me instead. That's the only way you'll really stop me.