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Posts Tagged: 'michael+emerson'

May. 31st, 2010


Private for David )

May. 22nd, 2010


One of the worst things about being in this fucking place is having people taken away then sent back not remembering me what happened before or who they might've met and built up some kinda... I dunno.

But it fucking stinks. I'd rather they didn't come back at all. Or that they were just never sent away in the first place.

I'm going hunting. I can't guarantee what I'll be feeding on, but I advise NOBODY to say anything to piss me off about it. I'm sick of your fucking rules.

May. 5th, 2010


I am not okay with this.

Apr. 29th, 2010


Good thing is I can still fly and hunt.

Bad thing is I don't know where Michael is most of the time. How'm I supposed to train him if he ain't around. I don't think he's gone back...

Apr. 14th, 2010


(Michael Emerson)

So. A blind date. Haven't been on one of those in ages. Where and when should we meet?

Mar. 20th, 2010


Still can't fucking believe that the Zenner assholes did that to me. But I checked back on this damn thing and... fuck.

Still can't find them though. Bastards AND cowards.


I'll do what Godric suggested. I mean, we were all kids at one time or another. And if Dwayne, Marko and Star ever get here at least they won't know. Because NOBODY will tell them.


Anyhow. I'm off out to kill things. Michael? Paul? You know where to find me if you need me. Sorta.

Mar. 12th, 2010


Whoever left the rabbit. Thanks. Took the edge off.

But damn, I'm hungry. I feel like I haven't Fed in almost a month.

Paul? Michael? Where the fuck are you and why are there kids' clothes in my room?

And why did I just wake up in a bed?

Mar. 9th, 2010



There's a rabbit here. Is there meant to be a rabbit in the apartment?

I missed something, didn't I?

Feb. 26th, 2010


Why am I still awake?

No, wait, don't answer that. I'm still awake because David is now awake and he's only 13.

Jesus, I need to sleep.

Feb. 22nd, 2010


Uh, excuse me?

I'm sorry to bother anyone, but I was wondering if anyone could read this message somehow and could maybe tell me where my parents are?

Actually, I'd kind of be real grateful if somebody could tell me where I am. Last I knew I was in Climax, North Carolina. This don't look too much like my daddy's farm, though.

Is it Hell? Did I die? I know we're all sinners, but I didn't think I'd been able to do so so much bad in thirteen years.

(The typewriters are real funny. I like them, though.)

Feb. 21st, 2010


What the hell happened to Las Veags? What the hell happened to me? Where are the other regulators?

Feb. 19th, 2010


Since it seems like people come and go a lot around here, has anyone seen or met a man named Bruce Wayne?

Feb. 12th, 2010


So this is the network thing Ginger was telling me about. I don't really see why she was making a big deal over it.

Feb. 10th, 2010


This needs to end, now.

Feb. 9th, 2010


I didn't need to go flying to get crossbows since Ashley brought some over. I think we might be going to get some anyway since it's better looking at things than looking for them, right?

And I worked out three things.

1, I'm a shitload stronger than I was a few weeks ago.
2, Dropping really heavy things on zombies from the sky is oddly theraputic if you believe in that sort of bullshit, or just messy and fun if you don't.
3, Dr. Magnus's blood-stuff tastes awful when it's gone off. Which it all has, so that's not good. At least, the stuff in this apartment's gone off.

Feb. 7th, 2010


this is an apology for anyone in the apartments around the one i'm in

floor 18 room 15 i just checked

the really loud music is me trying to keep myself awake so i can practice flying because i don't want to drop stuff or drop myself into the zombies


Feb. 6th, 2010


REALLY can't believe I'm even suggesting this.

But, whatever. So we're under lockdown. But, y'know... I don't think the zombies can fly. So, what I was thinking is, those of us who CAN fly - can't we go out and get supplies or something? For those who need them.

So long as we keep our eyes open - maybe work in teams - we should be able to keep out of their way.

Besides, I can't stay indoors like this. I'll go fucking crazy, if I haven't done already. Maybe I have, if I'm coming over all altruistic like this.

Jan. 24th, 2010


I've been reading the older journal things on the little computer, and I

I think I'm okay to ask this here. I hope.

Some of you have spoken to David on this thing, so you know what he's like. What he is. And he's trying to make me be like him. I'm most of the way there, too, apparently. Ugh, my brother could explain this better.

I think I'm well on the way to

David's a vampire and he tricked me into drinking his blood. So now I'm a vampire, but I haven't killed anyone yet and I don't want to because that makes it permanent. But I am really really thirsty and I read that there are people here who can help?

I need blood and I don't want to kill anyone or anything to get it. I've seen people talking about this here, so I hope it's okay to ask if anyone can help.


Jan. 17th, 2010


God, look at this thing. Beats the shit out of Sammy's computer back at Dad's. Huh. And I'm going to ignore the weird new apartment for a moment and the Amex.

Why is the view out of the window Las Vegas? I went to sleep in Santa Carla.

Star? Sammy, you there? uh... Mom? Grandpa?