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Posts Tagged: 'juliet+ford'

Jun. 9th, 2010



Filtered to Juliet & Sawyer:
I have a favor to ask.

When I asked Kate what she wanted for her birthday, she said she wanted to get out of Vegas, so I'm taking her away for a week. I was hoping the two of you would want to look after David while I'm gone. Give all of you a chance to get to know each other better. It's just a week, this Friday to the next one, and then we'll probably be moving into the house. Sorry about the short notice, but I had to make sure she'd actually say yes first.


Filtered to Maria )

Filtered to Puck )

Filtered to Jess )

Filtered to Dr. Wilson and Dr. Ford )

Jun. 2nd, 2010



It's not so bad here. I have some new friends and dad has a great car that I am going to get to drive. Yes, that's right, it's a convertible. I'm taking that to school. I still have a whole summer until that starts again.

Mom, are we getting together sometime soon.

Anyone up for a video game night - AGAIN!

Jun. 1st, 2010



Filtered to Juliet & Sawyer )

Filtered to Kate )

May. 30th, 2010


Oh, bloody hell. I don't have time for this.

May. 29th, 2010


filtered to jack and juliet )



Filtered to Juliet Burke Ford:
I don't know how to say this. I know this is your time with Sawyer right now, and I hate to interrupt that, but this is important. I wouldn't say anything if it wasn't, I promise you that.

There is a boy here who says we're his parents.



Where am I? I am supposed to be going to school and what is this on my arm and it won't wash off. I swear I didn't get some weird tattoo and my parents are going to kill me. NO, this is not good. I am going to be late for - wait no, it's Saturday. But why am I in LAS VEGAS?

My parents really are going to kill me. Damn. I shouldn't say that. Are these cards good for airline tickets? I can just buy one and get back to Los Angeles, right? That sounds easy enough. I don't have time to be kidnapped right now.

Filtered to Jack Shephard and Juliet Burke
Mom, Dad. I have a problem. It's really, really big.