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Posts Tagged: 'keith+mars'

Jun. 3rd, 2010


Veronica )

Peter Burke )

May. 18th, 2010



filtered; Logan & Piz
Either of you considering the option of furthering your college education while we're stuck here?

filtered; Dad
I know we don't want to be stuck here forever, but I was thinking of maybe looking into getting our Nevada PI licenses? We could be study buddies.

May. 17th, 2010


Veronica )

May. 9th, 2010



filtered; Keith Mars

Dinner tonight? Just me and you. I thought we could get some steaks and grill them up on the roof. I'll even let you play your ancient rock music.

May. 5th, 2010


Veronica and Lilly )

I may have gone a liiiitle overboard with the spending in the last few days. But at the time, all this stuff seemed important. I've never seen this much money..and now I remember why I don't like it. it turns people into giant materialistic douche b I lost focus. I've been reading about Zenner, going through back logs on this computer thing. Where's Angela when I need her and I've got a few questions. I'm Special Agent Booth with the FBI. Has anyone actually met the guys behind all the stuff? A few of you have tried to leave but ended back here, anyway? What's that about?

and is Superman here, because really that would just be aweso

While half of me is proud of my first A, the other half shudders with the knowledge that should Celeste ever somehow find out about this I will have made her proud. The horror.

Logan )

Veronica )

Apr. 29th, 2010


This wrist tattoo isn't my style. I like to go to for the subtle. It doesn't even dance when I flex.

Anyone out there care to explain what's going on? This letter doesn't really cut it.