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Posts Tagged: 'rachel+black'

Nov. 27th, 2009


My brother's sort of girlfriend makes excellent tofurky, she can stay.

I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.

Nov. 7th, 2009



I've spent a good portion of today looking around the internet trying to catch up with everyone else, and I've found out several things.

Everyone is twittering. But I have no idea what that means.

Apparently all the girls are in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.

MTV and VH1 are now nothing but strangely addicting reality television.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have about a million kids.

We were attacked by terrorists.

We went to war.

We have a black president.

Oh. And apparently Maria Deluca, Liz Parker, Michael Guerin, and Max and Isabel Evans are all characters in a mildly popular book series and television show called Roswell.

My head hurts.

filtered to Michael )

Nov. 5th, 2009


I guess I'll do my own introduction? I'm Rachel Black. I'm the other twin, if you haven't noticed, and we're not fake twins. We were taken around the same time, I'm also from 2007. Jake is my younger brother I just graduated University and have plans to become a History and Music Teacher/Supreme Leader of the World.

I'm not 100% sure my roommate exists.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Son of a bitch.

Okay so now that I kind of sort of maybe just a little have a handle on what's going on let's do this properly shall we? Hi, I'm Rebecca Black, yes there's a girl who looks exactly like me and yes unlike some of you all that have it we are actually twins. Jake is my baby brother and a huge thanks to everyone who's watched out for him, it means a lot. I'm twenty one, half divorced and last night it was 2007 and I was in Hawaii. I've never been to Vegas and I want someone brave to go on this with me.

Because a tacky tattoo was at the top of my 'to get' list.

ETA: Holy crap, I'm rich.

Nov. 3rd, 2009


Uhhhh.... what?