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Posts Tagged: 'galen+tyrol'

May. 30th, 2010


So I think I found a garage close to the homeless shelter I can teach out of. Penny if you can get me a list of people that want to learn I'll try to write up a schedule.

So, the new digs are almost up. It's got everything we could want, save actual space (and not the storage kind.)

Who's ready to move?

May. 9th, 2010


Are any of the doctors here free? Nicky's burning up.

May. 5th, 2010



Zenner? That another one of your names, Ben? What's up with the tattoos? Last I saw, you were into branding.

This isn't funny. I could get into I have a son to look after. Jack's going to be wondering where I am.

Apr. 12th, 2010


I am... confused.

No. That is not adequate. I am perplexed but also intrigued. I would very much like to see the method which was used to make me appear human. But first, whoever has done this, please revert me to my original state and return me to my home on Illium. If you do not there will be consequences.

That went well, as they apparently say here, NOT.

So this card is good for something. Frak you can even get bottles delivered.

Oh guess I should turn this thing off now. If I could figure out how to.

Apr. 6th, 2010


What Commander?

Apr. 2nd, 2010


[locked to Chief]

Hey, can we talk? It's about this whole moving thing.

Mar. 31st, 2010


[Galactica Crew]

So, who else is happy about not being on that ship anymore? I know I'm happy to have a bed, a real bed, for the first time in for-frakkin-ever.

Mar. 29th, 2010


So, I know that we're all excited to get out of the Zenner property, but I was thinking.

Instead of buying that Wonderland place, why don't we build our own? We've got plenty of military people and some great engineering minds. We could really make something just like we want.

I think that's what I was going for before. These places around here, even the one we're living in right now, they're a little much. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable in a place with marble fireplaces, a sauna, and a salon.

Mar. 26th, 2010


Locked to Galactica Crew and Cdr Shepard's Group

With regard to our discussion of a group compound how about checking out this place?
This house: seven bedrooms, six baths, two half baths, 10,000 sq ft.
This house: six bedrooms, six baths, 7400 sq ft.
This house: six bedrooms, five baths, two half baths, 8000 sq ft.

Oh there's this place. I guess it used to be owned by some guy named Michael Jackson. It has ten bedrooms, nineteen baths and 21,000 sq ft. It's a compound with five buildings. Think that will be big enough for all of us?

ETA: I've read a bit more about this place. There is a main house, a guest house, and staff quarters. I was thinking about what we said about building the Viper and we could probably convert the equestrian part of the property for that. Plus the place already has a shooting range like I suggested we should have. Crash and I talked about it and it sounds like a possible plan.

Mar. 24th, 2010



Has anyone seen Cally? I can't find her.

Mar. 23rd, 2010


Kara tells me that I need to go out and get laid.

What the...? I'm supposed to be dead. Why am I not dead?

Where am I anyway? This doesn't look like any place I know.

What the frak?

Mar. 22nd, 2010


Chief Tyrol

Hey, Chief. How good do you think your knuckle-dragging skills are here?

Mar. 21st, 2010


What... the FRAK... is going on here???

Mar. 18th, 2010


Saul? Baby? I know this isn't

Was it all just a bad dream? Am I on Caprica again?

I've been kidnapped?!

Mar. 17th, 2010


Strange. World, apparently Earth, Northern Hemisphere. Appear to be human. Male. Transspecies transmogrification unlikely but not impossible. Reasons unknown. Slowed metabolism problematic feeling sluggish. Will need to find crew. Investigate “Zenner”. Origin of name unknown, no information to be gleaned.

Mar. 15th, 2010


So. Since we're all stuck here and I'm not a Cylon, anyone feel like getting incredibly drunk with me?

I keep hearing 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' on the wireless, so let's go with that.

Doors open to my quarters. Let yourself in and bring a bottle.