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Posts Tagged: 'shannon+rutherford'

Jun. 10th, 2010



The World Cup begins tomorrow with South Africa versus Mexico at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Does anyone else plan to watch or will I be the only one waking up early enough to see the match live?

All the set-up work is done for the dance studio. I just need students.

If anyone is interested in lessons, you're welcome to respond.

Jun. 9th, 2010


Is this some kind of prize? A prize for losers?

Jun. 8th, 2010


Vampires, aliens and assholes. What kind of weird-ass, bizarro-world did I wake up in?

This Vegas is not my Vegas, either. I grew up in Vegas, but I went to see my parents and my old house doesn't even exist. It's like it's been blanked out. I kind of want to know what the fuck is going on, but this is also kind of cool. Unlimited money, and hot skinny blondes who hate me. Not too bad.

So far, I've seen Ben Linus, James Ford (I think it was him), Kate Austen, Ben's daughter, Alex's blonde lover-boy, and some fat guy I vaguely recognise. So, who else from my time is here? Dead or alive? Omar? Naomi? Gault? Faraday, Lewis? Miles?


Jun. 7th, 2010


Now this is more like it.

May. 30th, 2010


So, I wasn't going to say anything until I had everything done, but I figured it couldn't hurt. I'm setting up a dance studio, so I can go back to teaching. I figure I'll still have time to dance professionally if I decide I want to, but I just feel like this is a better fit.

I'm also thinking of taking up kickboxing. I need a new hobby. Plus there are some seriously creepy people here.

May. 25th, 2010


Clearly this is not Los Angeles, and it's certainly not the last motel room I was in. I'm not clear on who this Zenner Corp is, but I'm sure they have a perfectly logical explanation for how I got here when the last thing I remember is Benjamin Linus choking the life out of me.

What the hell is going on? Last thing I remember is being hit over the head by Locke and then I wake up in some hotel room. I couldn't have imagined all that because I was in Sydney, not Las Vegas.

May. 24th, 2010


Vincent showed up outside my apartment this afternoon.

I hadn't even realized how much I missed him.

May. 22nd, 2010



Um...Sawyer, if this is one of your pranks, this time it isn't funny. The shiny new computer says 2010, but last time I checked we were stuck in 1975 and you were lovin' those bellbottoms...

May. 21st, 2010



filtered to LOST people except for Ben, Ethan, and Smoke Monster )

May. 18th, 2010


(ooc: thanks to Dee!)

filtred to the LOST people )

That's it... next season I'm destroying the tv... never watching that crap again... Chuck Bass... just ew. Ew.

Thank God this school year is almost done with.

For anyone interested starting June 1st I'm opening a storefront, JH Designs [address]. I could actually use some help if anyone's looking at a boring summer with not much to do.

What's going on?


I thought I was dead