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Posts Tagged: 'marissa+cooper'

Feb. 14th, 2010


Filtered to Ryan

Screw the dart and the map, let's just go home. I know it won't be the same, and the people we love probably aren't there but I'm sure the Cohen's poolhouse is and we could just...stay there. We could hole up and forget this entire messed up place even exists until we have to come back to it. What do you say?

And, can we go now?

Filtered to Jaeger

Me and Ryan are going to get out of here for a little while and go back home, I think. Try not to get hurt or like die or anything playing with weaponry, 'kay?

Jan. 31st, 2010


Ryan )

Jan. 30th, 2010



Marissa )

Jan. 29th, 2010


I'd date her.


Tell me more about this plus five dexterity vest.

Jan. 12th, 2010


Um, I just looked in the mirror and I can...I can see right through myself.

//Filtered to Ryan//

Something's seriously wrong. I think you should stay away from me. Just for a little while. I don't know if it's like, contagious or something.

Dec. 29th, 2009


For the under 21 crowd (& over too, if they're interested)


Dec. 18th, 2009



Well, hello Vegas. My my my.

There's this part of my brain, waaaay in the back, that's telling me that kidnapping generally isn't a good thing and I should probably be exhibiting hulk-like rage at my current situation...

But then the rest of my brain sees Vegas and this handy credit card, and tells that other part to cram it.

That other part finally listened when it saw my extremely attractive new roommate. Hey there, Vanessa.

But still...this is pretty weird. Even by my extremely skewed Sunnydalian perspective. In fact, this whole sitch positively reeks of Summers and the weird crap that is always happening to her. Come on, Dawnie. Are you in on this? Olly olly oxen free.

Dec. 19th, 2009



That's it? That's the only explanation I'm getting? You're gonna have to do better than that.

Dec. 12th, 2009


Thanks, but no thanks.

I'm dreaming. I've got to be dreaming.

Tattoos? Vaguely threatening corporations with names that start with Z. A James Bond looking credit card.

Maybe I feel too materialistic? I view myself as a sell out? Because I gave into the alien thing so easily? I wonder what Freud would've said about barcode tattoos. I wonder why I feel inclined to use the internet as a dream diary. Don't they say you can't read in dreams? That's weird.

filtered to Will )

The enrollment period for the second semester at the high school just opened up. If anyone wants to enroll, which I encourage, I can help you with the paperwork.

Dec. 13th, 2009



Excuse me, person in charge? Mr. Zenner? I think you've made a huge mistake. You see, Seth Cohen and The Vegas? That is not a good thing. You see, last time Seth Cohen and his good buddy, Ryan Atwood visited your fair city, bad things ensued. I mean, how was I supposed to know they were professional call girls? I thought they were just college students and okay, I was trying to make Summer jealous and ended up being out a whole lot of money. I learned my lesson from this. Oh yes, indeed I did. So, if you could just put me back where I belong, which is Newport, in case there was a question, and we can call it a day.


Dec. 12th, 2009


Hey, at least it's not Tijuana right?