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Posts Tagged: 'jean+grey'

May. 19th, 2010



Y'know, I have so much data and formulae and all kinds of dren worked out. I've filled notebook after notebook and I've gone through boxes of pens and why am I doing this? It's still incomplete, and even if I did work everything out, I can't share it with anyone because HELLO, weapon?

Harvey is driving me more insane, keeps showing up in dresses and skirts now and I kind of want to poke my eyeballs out only he's in my head so it wouldn't matter anyway

I've had enough of this apartment, or I'll be climbing the walls or tearing them down or something, and I know Fred won't appreciate that (unless he's off his face again and if he isn't, maybe I should ask if I can try some of what he's on) so, yeah. It's Vegas. I have unlimited cash. I don't have Pilot bitching at me. I can go out and do whatever the frell I like. Yeah.

Enthusiasm. I have some. Somewhere.

May. 12th, 2010



I'm just curious to see how everyone is holding up. Is everyone (and by everyone, I mean everyone - not just people I know) doing alright?

(Filtered to Kitty)

Kitty, are you doing ok?

May. 9th, 2010



Back to normal.

Excuse me, off to be violently ill and then shower for frelling EVER.

Apr. 19th, 2010



Um, okay, this isn't Salem Center or Queens, this is freakin' Las Vegas and I'm really, really not supposed to be here. Especially not on my own!

Apr. 14th, 2010



(James T. Kirk)

I don't remember signing up for this, but what's done is done I suppose. I'm Jean Grey and I'm suppose to be your date.

Mar. 3rd, 2010


Either I got knocked out or I've been asleep for 11 days. I don't like either of those.

Mar. 1st, 2010



Why am I in Las Vegas? Scott? Professor?

