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Posts Tagged: 'spock'

May. 27th, 2010



Bones! Chekov! Sulu! Spock! Get dressed, we're going to a bachelor party!

Also, I approve of this.

Get it while it's hot )

Apr. 28th, 2010




Thanks for the fun, Zenner!

Apr. 26th, 2010


I am still female. While I do not have any ill feelings toward the opposite sex, I would like my own body back.

Posting this in a public forum seems inappropriate, but it appears this is the way things are done in Vegas.

Apr. 21st, 2010




I must wonder what the motives behind such an experiment would be.

Filtered to Nyota Uhura )

Apr. 18th, 2010


Filtered: Kirk, Uhura )

Apr. 16th, 2010


This isn't funny, Captain. What did you do? I know you're there.

Apr. 14th, 2010


( Filtered to the Normandy's Crew )
I understand now what Mr. Moreau meant by the good kind of overheating.

And your preoccupation with sex makes more sense. It's a pleasant experience.

( Filtered to Jim Kirk )
Thank you. You were very helpful.

Mar. 11th, 2010


I do not understand how it is I have come to be in this place. While I will admit that time travel is possible, I am certain I would remember travelling through an anomaly that would cause such a reaction. However as the Prime Directive prohibits me from openly discussing such scientific situations in this environment, I am left with little recourse.

I require information beyond the minimal details provided in the correspondence with this Zenner organization. Specific information, preferably, in regards to the precise reason for my arrival here as well as any attempts made to leave and the consequences of such actions.

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Who did this to me? Who did this to me?!

Dec. 11th, 2009


First Officer's Log
Stardate: Unknown

It would appear as if I have found myself upon an M-class planet with primitive technology. I am without my phaser and my communicator is inoperable. Perhaps the most alarming bit of news is that I have lost all contact with the remaining Vulcans and my father. I can no longer feel them. It is as if everything is out of place I am unsure as to the whereabouts of my crew.

Where am I?