bright light city - network

June 2013



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Posts Tagged: 'cassandra+cain'

Jun. 12th, 2010


gotham went away.

did they take it?

Jun. 7th, 2010


Its been along time since iI checked this thing. whatd i miss// if you noticed a new flower shop on the strip, its mine. i decided i cant just sit in my room anymore and wait for this silly machine to update. so i went out and did something with all that money and opened Sherwood Florist. ive been busy moving boxes and getting inventory and trying not to over think things. so there you have it, come visit me.

Jun. 6th, 2010


Filtered to Stephanie

Will you help me with a new costume?

league filter

Maybe I was a little hasty trying to do everything alone that Babs could do. I just..I'm worried so I was taught to do something with it rather then sit around and do nothing. I don't deal with absence that great but I'm trying. So I might not be able to do everything but I will always try. This is a team. Bruce made me see it pretty damn good last night we should all take a roll and maybe Babs will come back soon..God knows I can't do this without her

Jun. 5th, 2010


Filtered to Bat Family

I moved into Barbara's room last night and she informed me about the current threat, but then today she wasn't here and neither was any of her stuff. Has she been kidnapped again?

Jun. 1st, 2010


How did I end up in Las Vegas? I'm not being held captive, so what is the point of bringing me here? I don't remember getting into any fights or getting knocked out, so how did I get here?