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Posts Tagged: 'alec+mcdowell'

Dec. 9th, 2009



Okay, so first? I was really confused. I thought one of my cokehead-slash-models had slipped me something to make me forget that I had paid them a half a mil each to basically run around acting like they're on the set of a Girls Gone Wild video in my latest, and not to mention supposedly unavailable, couture. Then, I realized there were no rolled up bills turned coke straws laying around and everything was in one piece. That's when I got pissed.

No, I take that back. After reading that stupid welcome message, then I got pissed. I have a clothing line that is falling apart because even after my own stupidity of hiring Rachel as my model, I still haven't learned how not to hire my friends to work for me, and we have this new designer for my men's line that my mother sprung on me without even asking my opinion. Throw in my boyfriend ditching me because my actress-turned-model-turned-failure-turned-scriptwriter-turned-homewrecker tried to kill herself and he needs to save her from her own self-pity, the fact that my best friend just up and ditched me to go travel the world with all her happily ever after, and...the fact that I can't have a baby just, everything, I'll admit it. I could use a break. And Vegas? Not so bad as far as breaks go.

But let's get one thing straight, I already have a black AmEx. I have since just after high school. And I like my old BlackBerry and wrist and/or barcode tattoos? So 2001. I pride myself on being ahead of the trends, not behind them.

So I'll take this little vacation, I'll get my sin on, but make no mistake, I am leaving. And then? I'm getting this stupid thing lasered off.

Now, where's the bar?

Nov. 30th, 2009


Filtered to Max )

Not sure exactly what's going on around here, but it's way too heavy. I'm hitting up Vegas' finest strip joints and spreading some of Zenner's cash. Who's with me?

Remember, strippers have kids too. And those Christmas presents aren't going to buy themselves. Give a little, get a lot.

Nov. 7th, 2009



Oh my goodness...I don't know where I am and I fear I am very far from home right now.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Because a tacky tattoo was at the top of my 'to get' list.

ETA: Holy crap, I'm rich.

Nov. 3rd, 2009


Uhhhh.... what?




I should just burn down this building. That's probably what's in the handbook.

Too bad I never got one of those.

My senses are twitching. And I'm taking that as a sign I need to go get a drink. Any takers to come with?

Nov. 2nd, 2009



Nov. 1st, 2009


I never thought I'd be saying this but there is one good thing about 2021. We don't have zombies.

On the downside, we don't have this charming little restaurant chain called Hooters, either. I guess it evens out.

Hey, Max, you okay? Didn't get your brains eaten or anything, did ya?

Oct. 30th, 2009


A matching barcode? You shouldn’t have. Thing is, I don't like to over accessorize.

Gotta say I dig the digs though. Beats the hell out of Terminal City. And don't get me wrong, normally I'd be all for spending your money and this recreation of pre-Pulse Vegas is pretty amazing. The thing is I've got things to do.

So thanks, but I'm gonna pass. Maybe next time.

It's always some big wig company thinkin' they own me. Got rid of Manticore, don't think I won't do the same to Zenner.

So, Lydecker's gone, White's gone, who's the new bad guy in my life?