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Posts Tagged: 'vince+noir'

Apr. 14th, 2010


Oh my god I've been SO SICK!! I was out in town minding my own business, doing a bit of shopping, checking people out, checking ME out.... yeah, til I realised the window I was doing my hair in was a JAZZ BAR. D: omg don't even take the piss cos me + jazz is big BIG trouble, I swear to god I got a rash all down the side and my head went all big!!! So I been hiding away in my room til I stopped being ugly, the swelling's gone down a bit and I was just about alright to check my computer without weeping at the sight of my own face in the screen reflection but then whose slimy mug do I see when I'm catching up? YEAH! THAT ONE!! Seriously guys, for your own good you best keep away from Gregg!!! He kidnapped my best mate and trapped him in an underwater cave and tried to marry him, if that's what you're into then be my guest but don't say I never gave you fair warning!


Don't know who's luckiest, you or me ;)

Apr. 10th, 2010


Well I went exploring yesterday and it's a BIT WEIRD here aint it!!! A city this size and you aint even got a Topshop!! I started feeling a bit claustra, throat all closing up and everything. No TOPSHOP, imagine that!! o.O So I went in this bar for a panic drink and I couldnt even get that cos the man wanted ID and my pockets were too tight to carry anything except my credit card! This is WELL not fair, idk what to do, every bar and club in Camden and Shoreditch knows who I am so I NEVER have to carry ID! Anyway I bought some crayons and I drawn all over my walls and if they dont like it thay can come and say to my face!

I bet Howard is well missing me, I bet he dont even know what to do with himself!! He's probably weeping into his moustache crying my name. LOL!! I hope so anyway cos the alternative is he don't even know I'm missing OR he's having a wicked time without me getting in the way, he's probably turned the flat into a jazz boudoir and him and Lester Cornflake are happily bumming away to the sounds of saxophones and I bet he's burnt all my clothes I think I'm having a panic attack I can't breathe

Who do I have to feel up to get a flirtini round here??

Apr. 9th, 2010



Yeah watching Kristen Stewart make out with Dakota Fanning was all kinds of weird and uncomfortable. I am totally going as Joan Jett for Halloween this year though.

Apr. 8th, 2010


Blind dates?

The fuck?

Have people forgotten how to do shit for themselves these days?

And what's happened to Paul? If Zenner have sent him back and not me then there's gonna be a shitload of trouble.

If he's found a way out on his own and not told me there'll be even MORE trouble.


The new glittery fucker scares the shit out of me. What IS it?



So is there anyone here OVER the age of 17 and under the age of like... 30(idk geezer aged or something) who actually like playing video games, watching sci-fi type old tv shows being a kickass nerd and stuff? I am friggin booooooooooooored and I already got yelled out for messing with the electrical system in my room.

BIT confused!!! If Naboolio spiked my drink again for a laugh I am well telling the shaman council on him, I mean I dont mind weirdo dreams but I mind weirdo dreams about waking up in a room with BEIGE WALLS. It dont feel like a dream though, there's normally cartoon unicorns in my dreams and rivers made out of malibu. oh well, it could be worse, it could be manacles in monkey hell!!! weirder things have happened, never on my own before though :( How come I got a dirty big tattoo?? I thought I drawn on myself in biro again but it hurt when i tried to rub it off, I think that counts as gbh giving someone a tattoo what they never even asked for

Anyway.... if its a dream I can do what I want, and if it aint a dream I can still do what I want cos thats allowed?? am I following? is that a credit card?? Howard cut my old one up with scissors cos the bill made him faint and he hurt his head, LOL. ok then, if I can do what I want then I'm going to Topshop.

shiiiiiiiit I just thought, has this place got hair straightners?! I cant live without my nicky clarkes, I will ACTUALLY DIE, i cant go out in public like this ;_;