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Posts Tagged: 'jim+caddon'

Oct. 17th, 2009



I have a couple of requests for anyone who might be interested:

1. The beer in my refrigerator simply isn't beer by my standards, I'm afraid. For one thing, it's in the refrigerator. So if any of you would like eleven bottles of Corona, all you have to do is come collect them. And if anyone can point me toward some decent bitter or stout, I'd be more than grateful.

2. I've just had it pointed out to me that my one set of civilian clothes is, to put it politely, sadly outdated. Would anyone care to help me track down replacements? After watching telly for a bit last night, I'm forced to conclude that I have no idea what to get.



I've found a place to purchase a plethora of them. And then I had the idea for some ball bearings as well.

Hardware stores are quite fascinating places, really ...

Why yes, that was how I spent my morning.

I'm not quite sure what I'll be using them for though. It just seemed like a grand idea to have lots and lots of small round things.

Though that does make me wonder if anyone actually knows how to play games with marbles around here ...

Finally got my jumbo coat and hat. I'm going to find a damn IHOP and I'm going to eat it out of business.

Oct. 15th, 2009



This may seem a strange question, but is there anyplace here where people meet? I'm in room 1306, and it's a very nice flat, but I've been here more than a full day and the only person I've met face-to-face is that blond woman who taught me how to use this thing. I'm feeling the oddest combination of bored and nervous here by myself.

So ... does anyone want to get together somewhere? Or people could come over here, either way.

Oh, and don't mind the RAF uniform. It's all I have that's clean right now.



I hope I'm doing this right. Is anyone out there?

On the plus side, the accomodations have improved. On the minus, it doesn't look like we'll be tunneling our way out of this.